Make it stop!!!!!

Mine usually only cheep a lot if they are cold. Are you using a red light or a white light? I think they are calmer and sleep better at night if they have a red light, as it's much dimmer visually and more soothing. Or you could try a ceramic heat bulb, that gives off no light at all.
I also cover the brooder to make it darker. See if that doesn't help.
I'm wondering whether they are warm enough if they are cheeping so much. My babies always sleep at night when it's dark and I use a 250watt red heat lamp. I always keep a thermometer in the brooder so I know how warm it is in there (even though their vocalizations and locations are telling). Something to think about anyway.
My chicks have periods when they sleep, then periods when they are awake feeding and running around. Added 11 new chicks yesterday and one lil chick was really peeping, they finally all settled down last night before I went to bed and this morning when I got up to feed the zoo, they were sound asleep. I think it depends on the breed, too. Our Buff Orpington chicks have been much quieter than the Red Sex Link chicks who seem to be up partying all night!
considering the amount of sand they throw out into the floor while taking dust baths!
Aww! Great idea! I normally throw in either an old stuffed animal or old clothes.

As for the peeping - it could be several things. They could be cold, hungry, thirsty, or just loud, haha!
Haha! I know what you mean I sleep on my couch because it's more comfortable than my bed right now and first week whenever I heard music there was chirping along with it even in the car where when they were definitely in the living room at home I thought I was going crazy! But I finally figured it out because when I crate my puppy I put the radio on and then I was sleeping next to the chicks and radio while asleep so whenever I heard music while awake I heard the same chirping they do at night needless to say I turned the radio off at night and it solved my little problem Whew! Thank the lord!

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