Making a home made incubator


9 Years
Jun 17, 2010
hi i am going to attempt to make a home made incubator and wanted to know what light bulb WATT do i need. I bough a little incubator but did not realize how small and it says hold 3 eggs but i only think it will hold one. Any help will be greatly appreciated
I've never used that method, but I've read that the wattage of the bulb depends on the size of the incubator. You will have to use different size bulbs, check temps, & then determine which one gets your temp to the proper range. Once that's decided...keep extras on hand for when the bulb burns out & quickly replace.

I just built my first homemade bator and I am testing it out now while I wait for eggs. It is in a small Styrofoam cooler. I am using a 34 watt bulb now and it seems to be ok. I do have a 60 watt I may try but the 34 seems to work.

Good luck!

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