Making Lemonade [Selective Culling Project - very long term]

How is the last hatch coming along
I'll get photos tomorow, after I do some rewiring - had a 30a plug short this week (that's been replaced, together with most of the wiring on the circuit, but I still need to replace the outlet, which got smoked when the plug melted. and I have to do it early AM, before it gets too hot, because it powers the A/C for the RV (and most everything else).

Little black bird, two days late, with the hernia didn't make it - passed this AM - the three yellow birds hatched the first day are doing well.

Will get photos of the prior hatch too - they are growing really well. The two blacks will get culled of course, but last year, I'd have kept one of them as a half step in the right direction.
As promised.

Seems awfully light colored on the chest (back has a light, but useful, particolor), but look at the deeply defined breast on this, age about 7 weeks. I associate that with more "meaty" breeds. Going to get a weight. will edit shortly.


[EDIT: A mere 3/4# and a bit more. The slightly better patterned, slightly smaller sibling with the pronounced broad dark stripe at top of back is 2/3#. endEDIT]
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Chick on the far right looks chunky compared to the other 2.
I'll grow all of them out as layers this year, see what happens - I like all three for differing reasons. But as comments about the prior batch's most "meaty" bird should make clear, once I get the color and pattern down, I'm going to have to breed up in size for a long long time.

and with that, I'm off to the feed store!
Have you obtained your desired lemonade yet?
185 pages is honestly far too much to sift through as a busy father

In theory your project sounds very similar to my own: creating a large, dual-purpose survival bird through long term selective culling

Lots of people breeding survival birds these days. We must all feel the same thing coming
Have you obtained your desired lemonade yet?
185 pages is honestly far too much to sift through as a busy father

In theory your project sounds very similar to my own: creating a large, dual-purpose survival bird through long term selective culling

Lots of people breeding survival birds these days. We must all feel the same thing coming
NOPE! But I didn't expect it to be a fast thing, either. I'm only two years in, there have been numerous ups (and downs), I'm still trying to get color and pattern before I start looking for size - though I continue to select for larger, lighter colored eggs when I can.

Welcome to the thread!
NOPE! But I didn't expect it to be a fast thing, either. I'm only two years in, there have been numerous ups (and downs), I'm still trying to get color and pattern before I start looking for size - though I continue to select for larger, lighter colored eggs when I can.

Welcome to the thread!
Thank you. I've looked through 20 or so pages and I'll have to keep reading so I can avoid experiencing similar issues

What I should have originally done personally is study far more before ever beginning in the first place

Painting is easier with a blank canvas, rather than painting over something else

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