Malaysian Serama Hatching Eggs 4 eggs plus extras - One Day auction!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
A few of my girls have been steadily cranking out eggs daily and my incubator is full, so I thought I'd sell my extra eggs. I have 4 eggs as of 3/1 and will send any extras, provided the girls continue with their recent generosity (no guarantees, though!) These have been hatching out as light, almost pure white chicks which color up nicely as they get older, but keep in mind that my roosters are dark, so a dark chick is likely to pop up as well! I originally bought these birds from a member here on BYC and occasionally let a roo from another serama group visit the girls. They are all purebred seramas with great conformation and weights range from heavy A to light C. My hatches of these girls' eggs have been great but I can't guarantee your hatches due to potential package abuse from the USPS! Shipping is via USPS Priority Mail and these will go out Wednesday 3/3, provided payment is received. Paypal only, please. Continental U.S. only, please. I haven't figured out how to upload pictures here yet so feel free to email me for pictures of my birds!
Could you hold off shipping the eggs until next Monday? I'm putting some eggs in the 'bator then and it'd be great if I could time the hatches together.
I sure can. Just keep in mind that the eggs will be less fresh. Are you starting your incubation on Monday? If so, I could still ship them on Wednesday and you could just keep them out of your incubator until you are ready with your other eggs.

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