male/female by call?


Sep 28, 2019
North GA
Hi! I'm a newbie when it comes to quail and I was hoping someone could help me out. Is it possible to tell the difference between male and female by the sound they make? We bought 10 straight run quail from MyShire and they're about 9-10 weeks old now. I thought we had 5 males and 5 females, but now I'm second guessing myself. I've only seen/heard 1 of the males crow. The other 4 "males" make the same sound that the females do. I did vent sex them (but again, newbie), and I know we do have 5 definite females (also been getting 5 eggs a day). I have only seen foam come from the 1 male that crows and nothing from the other 4. But, on the other 4, the vent doesn't really look the same as the ones that I know for sure are females. Can someone help me out? I can post pictures if needed, but it probably won't be until later today. Thank you so much in advance.
This isn't my video, but this is what the 4 "males" sound like.
The only real difference that I have heard in the sounds they make is the male crowing, and sometimes males make a kind of growling sound if they're trying to be tough.

Can you post pictures of them, especially their breasts? If they're feather sexable, we can tell you which are which. If they're not feather sexable, you may have to vent sex them.
I do have some pics, but they're not feather sexable. I know I have a couple tuxedo and I think Falb Fee and Scarlet. Oh, and 1 silver and a German Pastel Not sure about the rest. I did have to separate a couple of them due to bullying and those are the main 2 I'm hearing. But, I've also heard the others that are with the rest of the flock make the same sound. I'll try to get some pics when my husband gets off work. I'll need his help since they don't like to be held. Thank you!
Ok, I've never posted pictures on here before so I hope this works. I couldn't get a very good shot of the last one. He/she was squirming too much.



All male ... the little bump shows it ... please see here.➡-quail-hatch-along.1276785/#lg=attachment1655408&slide=0

Often the submissive males do not crow, as long as a dominat male is in the flock.
If all are crowing, you will have a lot of fighting = in this case all dominat will fight it out, ... often till death
Thank you. That's what I thought. I was just second guessing myself since they haven't crowed. Only 1 has been crowing, but the one in the last picture has also been aggressive and actually injured one of my females pretty bad. She's healed up nicely and is back with the flock. Right now, I have 3 of the males separated from the rest and 2 males in with the 5 girls. I know that's not a great ratio, but is it ok? They seem to be doing well together. Haven't noticed any bullying since I pulled the 3 males out. I do want to get some more females, just not able to at the moment.
Well, is there a chance that one of the top 2 pictures could be a female? I just got 6 eggs today. One of them has a color/pattern I haven't seen before.
And I just got egg #7 so I guess the ones in the 1st 2 pictures are females. I'm seriously shocked! Thought for sure I only had 5.
Hum ... for the first, I was the most sure 🤔
Also for the second I was quite sure.

Just look again. From the vent, towards the tail, males got a bulge. You may got to blow the the feathers away (they hate it, but then you can see it for sure).


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