Male goose "loves" female pekin


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 19, 2013
So our male Embden has taken a fancy to one of our female pekins. He has an Embden wife but she is sitting on a clutch right now. I caught him mounting and penetrating her. how do i discourage this behavior. They are already in seperate pens, but he escapes to get to just this one female.
So our male Embden has taken a fancy to one of our female pekins. He has an Embden wife but she is sitting on a clutch right now. I caught him mounting and penetrating her. how do i discourage this behavior. They are already in seperate pens, but he escapes to get to just this one female.
I have an Embden gander who fancies Muscovy's, he thought he was one from the time he hatched 6 yrs ago since a Muscovy hatched him. I wouldn't worry about him have a fling while wife is sitting unless you just don't want them too. Nothing can come of it and none of my ducks were harmed by it. Even though he now has a wife and she is sitting too, he will still get into the pool with one of the ducks if she is willing.
I say you let his wife know that will fix him. Seriously though there is no really discouraging him just keep them separated is all you can do.
I have had my geese and have had ducks. My Sebastopol's never did go for any of the ducks! Now the drakes would find a female goose and pick on her but she would never let them penetrate her. There would be three drakes chasing her around. I have since sold and placed all my ducks. I kept tow a female named Fancy Feet she was here from a day old for 5 years until a hawk got her. I kept on drake with her. So now we only have the drake. He does not bother my geese girls at all. The ganders would all jump him and kill him and he knows it.

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