Male or female?

I think that you have one rooster and one hen. But, I could be wrong.

I was thinking the same thing though at 5-6months of age Id expect the rooster to be a clear rooster. I still think POL pullet. Just my opinion though. I hope others comment also to help out.
I'm thinking your top PR RIR chicken is likely a pullet almost at the POL, and the bottom chicken it's my opinion that it is more likely a roo, even though it hasn't crowed. (We have 83 PR RIR as well, so we see many variations.) I think your chickies are around 16-21 weeks old.

Here's a few photos that may help:

Top photo is of one pullet (age nearly 16 weeks) and one hen (age 24 weeks who just last week started laying). Both have iridescent tail feathers, and the laying hen has iridescent wing feathers as well, so you can't go by iridescent feathers with this breed variation to sex them. I have cockerels who have almost no iridescent feathers yet at 16 weeks, but have red faces and larger combs than our 24 WO hens. You will see the girls back feathers rounded shape are uniform to tail, and have no short, slick, shiny pointy saddle feathers in front of the tail. The females have soft bodies, and from shoulders down, shaped more like a heart. You will see that the laying hen is much broader in width and has redder face and growing comb/ waddles.

Bottom photo is of my fav friendly cockerel, Rhode Island Rhett. He's nearly 16 weeks here. In this photo, you should see on his middle back (right before tail) lots of tiny but shiny, pointy little saddle feathers flopping downward. Only the males have saddle feathers. I think I saw saddle feathers on your bottom chicken, although perhaps the lighting is just playing tricks…? Also, look at Rhett's ratty tail (lol) his plainer feathers are also pointed on the tips and seem to curl. See the new side iridescent feathers just coming in now? Cockerel, none of the females have those feather either. Also his body is firm and lean, flat backed, and shaped more like a shield than a heart. None of our 16 WO cockerels have crowed yet… one tried once and sounded so pathetic he never tried again. I think everyone laughed at him. lol Just a matter of time though. If you need more "difference" photos or more specific details just let me know.

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