male or female

It is more quiet i think its a male because he is starting to have the pretty green colors and for the brown one i think is a female she is loud and has freckles on her beak im new to all you know when they start laying eggs?
this is nemo i think he is a male what do you think im not sure
Please can anyone give me your opinion
How old are they? usually by 4-5 months old drakes will get the curled drake feather right at the top of their tails where it meets the back. Beautiful ducks.. oh and ducks will quack loudly and often drakes have a raspy quack and aren't loud like ducks.
They are 13 weeks old.The brown one is very loud lol and the black one almost sounds like a frog sound IN the sun you can see dark green on his haed and some feathers.
They are 13 weeks old.The brown one is very loud lol and the black one almost sounds like a frog sound IN the sun you can see dark green on his haed and some feathers.
I love the coloring on Cayuga's so pretty, so sounds like you may have a drake and duck.
too early for the drake feather. Congrats!! and
Help does anyone know why my female duck is submissive when i take them out of there cage in the morning she will almost lay flat and make low noises she is only 3 months old i dont think she knowns im not a drake but it is so cute

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