male or female

How long does it usually take for a sprang to get better? Should i be giving him extra vitamins or anything?
Poultry vitamins would be good for extra support. Could take up to a week just depends but keep him from running around much water therapy is the best because it lets them move but keeps pressure off the foot. Try to soak his legs in a bucket of warm Epsom salt water at least 1X a day 2 if you can. But remember he can't drink the E-salt water it also works as a laxative. If you think there maybe more than a sprain and you can do it take him to the vet.
Thank u im going to get him to the vet today at 3 keep you updated.
Okay thanks.
He said to try and keep him from getting it wet.nemo is eating and drinking i lowered his play time.he still loves to flap his wings.i though he would do more for him.
He said to try and keep him from getting it wet.nemo is eating and drinking i lowered his play time.he still loves to flap his wings.i though he would do more for him.
Probably isn't a lot more that can be done, it would be hard to put a cast on it. He'll heal up fast I'm sure. A couple weeks ago I had to clip my gooses wing to keep her from flying and somehow she managed to rip her nail off in the process, It bleed so much and she limped around for about 3 days, Probably thinking why did that woman do this to me, lol so I know how your feeling. Missy still runs if I get near her and I love her to pieces but she associates me with her pain now
. But ducks heal fast, so will nemo.

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