malformed eggs


5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
Northeastern PA
Good Evening All,
Approximately 1 month ago, we adopted a chicken that I found on the road in an abandoned area. She has been debeaked from wherever she was from. I did keep her quarantined for a bit but she is with the rest of the flock. She began laying eggs last weekend with no issues until yesterday. Last evening I found two eggs that she laid with no shell. Tonight I noticed some dripping and then she began squatting in the grass and produced an egg with a soft shell. I was reading where an occasional egg like this is okay but am worried that there could be something wrong. Any ideas/suggestions?
I would not worry about a soft shell egg here or there. I see those all the time. Just make sure the hen (or pullet) has enough calcium and protein in their diet.
You can also hard-boil a bunch of eggs and then grind them up with the shell and everything. Make it look like almost a paste but with some texture. Your birds will eat it up quick. Eggs are one of nature's wonder foods. It might seem weird to give eggs back to chickens but it will give them the calcium and protein they may be missing. Plus it is a good use of eggs that might be getting a little old.

Just make sure that the eggs are hard-boiled. Never give raw eggs to a chicken. That can encourage them to break open eggs in a nesting box to get to the good stuff inside. But they don't seem to relate the paste above with eggs.
Good on you for giving the poor hen a home! :cd
She needs calcium. Sneak ground oyster shell, egg shell and grit into her grain.

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