MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

here is one of my boys :)
I decided on two regular mallard drake ducklings from Ideal. They should arrive on should Wednesday of Thursday with a bunch of chicks I got for my friend.
Wow, they look so small. The site says they will weigh 2 1/2 pounds. Quacker weighs almost 10 pounds! Do you think they could live together with my bantam hen if I give them a good size coop?

I'm going to clicker train them just like I do with my parrots. Some people might say a certain animal can't be trained but that isn't true. Any young animal that is food motivated can learn. Quacker isn't a great example because I started so late but she learned to flap her wings when gestured to, step up onto my arm when asked, and came to her name reliably. It strengthens the bond between them and I. If I start young they will get the concept quick and I can teach them many different things, like how to wear a harness so we can keep their wings full and still take them out for walks and maybe even flight recall. Parrots and pigeons can be trained to flight recall if started young. I think it would be easy with a duck since they imprint and follow you anyways. And are easy to train to come to their name. I trained a macaw parrot to flight recall for the parrot rescue I work for. It's so amazing to watch them take off. I have a batting cage near my house for practicing and they sell flight harness for parrots that adjust to fit chickens, so why not ducks? It's excellent exercise for them. My parrot Echo loves to go for "flying walks" She has a flight harness and I just run and she flies way ahead of me up in the air. Like flying a kite. And when she gets tired she lands back on me. I want to be an animal trainer some day as you can tell haha!
My boy is good, a little freaked out because a pair of coyotes decided to stop by. :oops:
They didnt kill anything just gave all my neighbors and all my animals a good scare. They looked pretty skinny and must be desperate because I never see them during the day. I can always hear them at night though. Good thing I have a secure pen!
I'm so happy none of our animals got hurt though! My neighbors wolf hound chased those dumb coyotes off. That dog is huge!!! From now on I'm gonna keep a watchful eye out there. :/
How is your mallard?
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