MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

I have mallards in these colors:
Apricot, white, magpie, Khaki, dusky, blue fawn, snowy and apricot snowy.










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Hey guys was wondering If this looks like a mallard egg! This is my first egg out of any of them so I was very excited to find it!


It could also be an ancona duck egg but it looms small for that!

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Hey guys was wondering If this looks like a mallard egg! This is my first egg out of any of them so I was very excited to find it!


It could also be an ancona dick egg but it looms small for that!


It has the right color for a Mallard egg. Mine were the size of medium hen eggs when they started laying. One of mine is now laying eggs the size of large hen eggs.
I have 3 Mallard hens that are about 8 months old. Normally when I let the flock, 11 chickens and 3 Mallards, out to free range the Mallards are all 3 together following their leader, a Rosecomb Bantam rooster. The last 3 or so days one has spent most of the time in the run. All of the chickens and the other Mallards are out running around the place. The area is about 2 acres. I haven't anything different physically that I can identify. Is this indicative of a problem? Any idea what to look for?
It has the right color for a Mallard egg. Mine were the size of medium hen eggs when they started laying. One of mine is now laying eggs the size of large hen eggs.

I'm so happy I have an egg hope to see another tomorrow!

I have 3 Mallard hens that are about 8 months old. Normally when I let the flock, 11 chickens and 3 Mallards, out to free range the Mallards are all 3 together following their leader, a Rosecomb Bantam rooster. The last 3 or so days one has spent most of the time in the run. All of the chickens and the other Mallards are out running around the place. The area is about 2 acres. I haven't anything different physically that I can identify. Is this indicative of a problem? Any idea what to look for?

I'm not sure unless she has a hidden nest and doesn't want to go to far from it!
I'm so happy I have an egg hope to see another tomorrow!
I'm not sure unless she has a hidden nest and doesn't want to go to far from it!

She could, they have been laying in the hens nest box normally we get 2 duck eggs. One day we got three. The last few days we have only gotten 1 duck egg. I attributed that to the change in the weather. On the coldest day last week we didn't get any duck eggs.

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