MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

My mallard hen passed away this morning :( She was acting sluggish for about 2 days, but she was also disappearing in the day (I think she was nesting) and I found her yesterday really tired and sluggish and she just let me pick her up. I think she was eggbound and I didnt find out til it was too late. :(
Well we hatched a found egg last summer and ended up with a hen mallard. Being a wild duck and lucky enough to have a pond, we let her stay with us until she was old enough to fly away. She is still with us and we think she thinks she is a chicken. She lives with the hens and is totally a part of the flock. Enjoy they are so funny
My mallard hen passed away this morning :( She was acting sluggish for about 2 days, but she was also disappearing in the day (I think she was nesting) and I found her yesterday really tired and sluggish and she just let me pick her up. I think she was eggbound and I didnt find out til it was too late. :(
I'm so sorry!
Eggs pass through an irregular tube - the oviduct - and before it is laid, it can get stuck. This is very dangerous, and not uncommon.

Calcium deficiency can cause it, injury, infection, trauma, or structural defects. Probably other things, too.

Ducks can be helped, but with some it is difficult to be sure that is the problem. A nice long float in a warm tub often helps, as does giving extra doses of calcium.
Kk because my only full mallard hen was attacked by a hawk, about I want to say a month ago and I saved her she was a wild hen but she became very tame and also lost one of her eyes, I saved her while the hawk was still on her and she had her throat cut really bad , but I wasn't deep enough to it her artery in her neck so I raised her back to health and she's great now except my rouens practically raped er when I let her out , I never thought she would make that bad of a noise do I rescued her from them and anyway she's all good now she's actually in the big nursery pen with my juvenile muscovies and they get along great! , I hope she won't become egg bound , mainly because she's such a sweet duck and I would hate for something bad to happen to her after all that.
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Yeah I love her so much, she not really a special needs duck nothing messed up her brain or anything she can fly but she doesn't try to leave or anything but I can't tell she misses her old life

See I don't have a coop ,my ducks sleep outside except if there injured then they go in the infirmery pen and ducklings when they begin to molt go in te outside nursery pen which I put henny ( the mallard ) in te nursery pen becuase I thought she would get along with my ducklings :)

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