MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

At what age do they start to mate? I have a pair that is 14 weeks old and I saw them trying to today. It's that a little early? When should I be expecting eggs?

Sounds a bit early for that! Most birds don't start laying till 5 months or so; my mallard started laying at about 7 months but this was due to going broody. A couple of months later and she had her first young uns:)
It's a seasonal thing so they're probably just getting into the spirit of things!
Guesses on sexes? We are 7-8 weeks old now, we have 3 separate quackers and the other 3 are still peeping. Although Chuck Norris sounded raspy today Babies resting in their run Chuck Norris in the back (he was always the biggest) and Ms. Quackers (first one to quack) Cupcake to the left and 3 others
We have 3 hens and 3 drakes. How do you choose from the 3 boys who stays? We have Chuck Norris, Cupcake, and Bruce Lee. Cupcake finally was raspy today and not peeping. I know that sometimes the boys can be little rapists. I don't want to keep a bad drake and get rid of the other 2. Cupcake is the only one who will settle on your lap when you pick them up. Chuck is the biggest. When should I clip wings? I'm afraid that they will fly off. We have a pond through the woods next door and if they go over the trees, they'll see it. I want them to be able to get away but want them to stay here. They aren't flying yet, but getting tippy toes when flapping.
They definitely can be rough. I just separate them when it becomes a problem; I can't bear to get rid of any of them because being drakes (which almost no one wants) they'd probably end up as someones dinner. :( That and I can't possibly keep enough females to make 4 boys a non-issue, lol.
I had one fly off once. He had been an "only child" for too long I believe (at the time my housing situation didn't allow for more ducks) and he took off one day and never came back. Broke my heart.
While out looking for him I rescued two little babies someone had dumped, and they've never flown far, like just around areas of my yard, which is less than an acre. Of the 3 babies I got last year (trying to get lots of girls, lol), Turkey is the only one who has flown much, and even then it's just laps around the house and she hasn't done that in months. I think they like to stick together, and since Bullwinkle can't fly, and the new babies can't fly, I have pretty good faith that they won't stray. I like knowing that they can get away from a predator if the need would ever arise - the ones who can't fly worry me. I suppose that's no guarantee that all of yours wouldn't just take off one day though. :/ Guess it's just whatever you feel most comfortable with.
Oh and half the perimeter of my property is bordered by a creek and believe it or not, in two years, they have only ever found it once, and it was frozen solid! Bahahaha :)
I recently purchased Some ducklings was told they were both Rouen but im not so sure. The lady seemed confused about what they even were. They are crested ducklings. Im torn between rather they are rouen Mallards. And one might even be a magpie. From what I understand We have been calling her the Mystery duckling. Lol! I would love your imput on what they both are. 3
The one with the white crest has a really cool design around its eyes. It's almost black stripes coming off of its eye. Like a picture of a sun.

Both of them together here.

The Mystery Duckling.
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I recently purchased Some ducklings was told they were both Rouen but im not so sure. The lady seemed confused about what they even were. They are crested ducklings. Im torn between rather they are rouen Mallards. And one might even be a magpie. From what I understand We have been calling her the Mystery duckling. Lol! I would love your imput on what they both are. 3
The one with the white crest has a really cool design around its eyes. It's almost black stripes coming off of its eye. Like a picture of a sun.

Both of them together here.

The Mystery Duckling.
Those have got to be some of the most unique ducklings I've ever seen! Surely they are mixed breeds...the one with the white puff does look like it could be part mallard or rouen, given its markings, and the mystery duckling could be part swedish because of its yellow chest. But I can't see how they would be totally either of those breeds, and I have no idea what they'd be mixed with, lol. OMG, I just noticed its little striped feet! Please do keep us updated as they grow - I'm dying to see what they look like as adults!
Those have got to be some of the most unique ducklings I've ever seen! Surely they are mixed breeds...the one with the white puff does look like it could be part mallard or rouen, given its markings, and the mystery duckling could be part swedish because of its yellow chest. But I can't see how they would be totally either of those breeds, and I have no idea what they'd be mixed with, lol. OMG, I just noticed its little striped feet! Please do keep us updated as they grow - I'm dying to see what they look like as adults!

I will tottaly keep you updated they are wanting to be house ducks for sure! always on your lap wanting to snuggle and cuddle. though the one with the white puff is starting to do a open and closing the mouth almost like its trying to whisper something.. It did that for a entire movie. While it sat on a towel in a lap. It loved movie time though!
Spats -aka duckling with striped feets- isn't as cuddly as the other one. The one with the lighter crested puff curled up on my shoulder and snuggled for an hour tonight during a show. The little mouth opening and closing as wild said as if whispering some duckly secret to me. It was rather adorable :D

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