MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards!

Anyone know what courting behavior for male mallards looks like?

I know; I just like calling her fat because she eats so vigorously ;]

Yes I see ours mating frequently. He stands outside the pool facing the female calling and bobbing his head. She stretches out with her head flat on the water and he enters the pool, mates and rolls off.
Does anyone use a breeding pen for Mallards. What kind of nests do you use in the breeding pen. How do you time the collection of eggs with the female's broodyness. I want to mate my drake to 2 specific hens and let one or both hens set the eggs and raise the chicks.

These are my two girls, Peek and Poke. I haven't been able to get any decent pictures of them because they really don't like me. They're rescue ducks... our neighbors moved out and left them behind. I couldn't just let them starve, so we adopted them. I have an area of the yard fenced off so the dogs won't bother them. They actually seem to like the dogs more than they like people.

They're less than a year old, but I'm not sure how old. I think about 9 or 10 months. They've started laying intermittently... I checked the duck house the other morning and there were a dozen frozen eggs. I've tossed them all and they haven't laid any more, but I'm hoping we'll get some more soon. I check every morning now.
Yes I see ours mating frequently. He stands outside the pool facing the female calling and bobbing his head. She stretches out with her head flat on the water and he enters the pool, mates and rolls off.
Thanks! I was just wondering what to look for for when breeding season hits so I can keep an eye on my mallard drake.
These are my two girls, Peek and Poke. I haven't been able to get any decent pictures of them because they really don't like me. They're rescue ducks... our neighbors moved out and left them behind. I couldn't just let them starve, so we adopted them. I have an area of the yard fenced off so the dogs won't bother them. They actually seem to like the dogs more than they like people. They're less than a year old, but I'm not sure how old. I think about 9 or 10 months. They've started laying intermittently... I checked the duck house the other morning and there were a dozen frozen eggs. I've tossed them all and they haven't laid any more, but I'm hoping we'll get some more soon. I check every morning now.
That's so great that you took those poor birdies in. Kudos!
That's so great that you took those poor birdies in. Kudos!


The biggest problem with this is that it has gotten me hooked on ducks. More coming in April.

The biggest problem with this is that it has gotten me hooked on ducks. More coming in April. :lol:

I know we love our ducks. They are so independent. I love to watch the 3 hens following the Drake. The ducks sleep in the coop with the chickens and the Drake is the first sound I hear when I come near the coop at night.

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