Mallards-male attacking other male?


10 Years
Nov 4, 2009
Stafford, VA
I have 3 mallards that we got from TSC last Spring. Turns out 2 are males and only 1 female. They have gotten along just fine until today. I went outside to say goodmorning and one of my males was like consistently biting the other while it just stayed squatted down. He was pulling his feathers and even going up underneath his wing. Usually if I go into their pen they go running about but he just stayed their in the corner and was VERY easy to catch. NOT AT ALL normal for my babies.

They were in a smaller pen with chickens until Nov and Daffodil (the female) never started laying. Could it be that she's finally starting to lay and their hormones are coming into play? I removed him from the pen and set him aside in the backyard for now. He was a little wet and his tail feathers were all fanned out. He had a really watery green poop but I figured that was most likely from eating the grass and what not. He wasn't interested in the feed I gave him but he did eat some of the grass I picked. When I come over to him he'll open his mouth sometimes-once in awhile he'll do that cute attempt at quacking other times (mostly) he'll just open it with no sound. Is this normal? I don't know all that much about ducks especially male behavior so any advice would be helpful. Thanks yall!
Thanks for the responses yall. I am definitely keeping them separated and trying to find Flash a new home as we speak
I have an Ancona drake who has become a total terrorist the last few is all about breeding rights...I have two too many drakes for the available females at the moment (getting five more females on the 24th) and he is a butt head...chasing and biting the other boys...he has it in for one grey mixed breed drake in particular...I am waiting for my son to drop by and Rodney is going to be caught and put in duck prison for a little while...I will probably relent and give him his favorite girl but that poor little grey boy has been running for his life for several has to stop...
Yes it's very sad and mean how they treat the other guys sometimes. I couldn't stand to leave him there to be picked on. He was pitiful! Now I need to find another hen or two for my poor Daffodil because Woody was already messing up her feathers this morning.

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