mama heating pad question

I’m mad!! I just typed a lonnnng answer and it got eaten up somewhere!! And it was a brilliant answer, too!! :mad: Suddenly a thingy popped up that said, “oops, we’ve encountered a security issue” and just like that my entire response was wiped out. Now I have try to recreate it.

Sunbeam isn’t going to say, “Certainly, feel free to continually to use our heating pads to raise chicks for 6-8 weeks on end.“ Shoot, I won’t either. The maximum amount of time mine is on is for about 3 weeks. Even then on warmer days I’ll go out and either turn it to 1 (low) or turn it off for a few hours as the chicks become more feathered out. Heating pad heat is gentle heat. Some commercial heating plates, specifically the Premier, can get so hot people have complained of it feeling almost hot enough to burn them, and there have been reports of chicks being burned with it. Soooooo……

I use (and recommend) the Sunbeam X-press Heat pad. I like the numbered control so I have more temperature range than High, Medium, and Low. I have been using the very same two pads I started out with 7 years ago, one small for small broods and the large for bigger groups. I bring them in, wash them, lay them flat to dry and store them flat. I never, ever fold or roll them and shove them into the back of a closet. That’s asking for trouble, flexing and bending the small heating element wires.

My chicks start weaning themselves off heat by 2-3 weeks. They feather more quickly and adapt faster to ambient temperatures if left to regulate their needs themselves. By 4 weeks they are off all heat completely and we take the brooder out of the run.

Mama Heating Pad works by warming the chicks with a soft, gentle, cozy heat, not by heating their entire environment. But like any electrical appliance, especially a heat producing appliance, we take a risk every time we plug it in. Anything we plug in, from a coffee pot to a phone charger, can cause a fire. Shoot, my hubby is a professional electrician and he can tell horror stories of finding shorted out, burned wires inside the walls of homes in unused outlets or lights.

All that being said, if using Mama Heating Pad isn’t for you, that’s fine! If it’s outside your personal comfort zone then you absolutely should go a different route. I’m just saying that even I am continually surprised by the hundreds and hundreds of people who are using it very successfully. They seem to pop up everywhere….one spring two years ago while I was up in Montana buying chick food, a man and his wife (?) were looking at chicks and he said he was going to go over and pick up the heat lamp. She let him know in no uncertain terms that they were going to use Mama Heating Pad, period. She’d seen it on Pinterest. Whooda thunk?
Thanks again for all the good advice! Getting my chicks the middle of March, so hopefully the weather won't be too cold. Looking forward to trying the heat pad... I agree, plugging in anything can be a hazard. But that's life!! No worries.
Thanks again.

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