Managing Roosters and Neighbours

My neighbour is on the same work schedule as I am...up at 5am and get home from work around 5pm. The coop is about 100ft away, so it is relatively close to them. I'm not sure why it bothers her so much, because she gets up around the same time as me. But she says that she tries using ear plugs and nothing helps. This is the same neighbour who can't sleep sometimes because of highway noise (which I can't even hear except for the occasional logging truck) so I think she might be a little over dramatic. All I can do is respect her wishes the best I can without giving up the roosters. When they go off in the morning its only for 5 minutes or so, and the sound if fairly muffled now cause they're in their coop. Ah well, wish me luck. I'd rather not make an enemy with my neighbour, but we'll see how things go...
Some people are just more sensitive to sounds, my son and I are both like that. I live in a rural town and it does stress me out when my roosters crow because I truly do not want to irritate my neighbors. However, the overall feedback has been that they either don't hear them or really enjoy them. I have two roosters and when they are both crowing non-stop, let's just say they are lucky I don't eat chicken. I think it irritates me more than anyone

Could you possibly insulate your coop to dull the sound a bit more? Or put a black out shade up so your roos don't start crowing as soon as the sun comes up? Your neighbor is going to have to deal with some noise and it is commendable that you want to do what you can to improve the situation. I would try my best to keep them quiet during normal sleeping hours but beyond that she should be able to handle a bit of crowing. Assuming she is a somewhat reasonable person, it might be helpful if you asked her what times the crowing bothers her the most and then make an honest effort to keep them quiet at those times.
We are having the exact same issue. We live on a half acre in the country. After one neighbour complained, I sent an email out to all of our neighbours regarding the rooster To get feedback and received many emails back that quite liked the sound of the rooster and was told he didn’t bother them. Except one, our direct neighbours that come up only on weekends from the city who were the original ones that complained. We got rid of our rooster To keep peace only to realize we had one more. So neighbours arrived again for the weekend and within hours complained and said they thought we got rid of him. We explained we had but have another. We want to keep this one as he is quite tame and our sons favourite. Not as noisy as the other one. She replied that she might have to kill it herself. I have ordered a rooster collar that is just a Velcro band and is quite humane but supposed to deter the crowing. Hoping this will help.
(This was not the first complaint from them. Also complained about our lights on our Palm tree keeping them up at night even though they turned off automatically at 11:00 and complain any time our outside light is left on by our garage. Once at 8:30 at night).
We are having the exact same issue. We live on a half acre in the country. After one neighbour complained, I sent an email out to all of our neighbours regarding the rooster To get feedback and received many emails back that quite liked the sound of the rooster and was told he didn’t bother them. Except one, our direct neighbours that come up only on weekends from the city who were the original ones that complained. We got rid of our rooster To keep peace only to realize we had one more. So neighbours arrived again for the weekend and within hours complained and said they thought we got rid of him. We explained we had but have another. We want to keep this one as he is quite tame and our sons favourite. Not as noisy as the other one. She replied that she might have to kill it herself. I have ordered a rooster collar that is just a Velcro band and is quite humane but supposed to deter the crowing. Hoping this will help.
(This was not the first complaint from them. Also complained about our lights on our Palm tree keeping them up at night even though they turned off automatically at 11:00 and complain any time our outside light is left on by our garage. Once at 8:30 at night).
We are having the exact same issue. We live on a half acre in the country. After one neighbour complained, I sent an email out to all of our neighbours regarding the rooster To get feedback and received many emails back that quite liked the sound of the rooster and was told he didn’t bother them. Except one, our direct neighbours that come up only on weekends from the city who were the original ones that complained. We got rid of our rooster To keep peace only to realize we had one more. So neighbours arrived again for the weekend and within hours complained and said they thought we got rid of him. We explained we had but have another. We want to keep this one as he is quite tame and our sons favourite. Not as noisy as the other one. She replied that she might have to kill it herself. I have ordered a rooster collar that is just a Velcro band and is quite humane but supposed to deter the crowing. Hoping this will help.
(This was not the first complaint from them. Also complained about our lights on our Palm tree keeping them up at night even though they turned off automatically at 11:00 and complain any time our outside light is left on by our garage. Once at 8:30 at night).

If there are no ordinances against roosters (noise ordinances included), there is nothing the neighbor can do. If they harm your bird they could be charged with animal cruelty and/or sued. I'm not a fan of the no crow collars as they could get caught on something and end up choking the bird.

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