Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

I highly encourage everyone with captive waterfowl in North America to take some time to fill out this survey created by the International Wild Waterfowl Association.


Dear fellow captive waterfowl keepers,
The International Wild Waterfowl Association is conducting it's third Captive Waterfowl Survey to determine the actual captive status of waterfowl in North America. The results of the survey allow all interested in conserving waterfowl to remain aware of species populations so appropriate actions can be taken to stabilize species in decline. IWWA's 2004 and 2010 Captive Waterfowl Surveys were instrumental in the preservation of several species in North America and we look forward to updating those important findings.

This year the survey is being offered online for ease of responding. I would like to request each of you complete the survey and also forward the survey link to your waterfowl contacts in the United States and Canada. Like the 2004 and 2010 surveys the results of the current survey will be publicly available on the IWWA website after analysis.The survey will remain open until January 31, 2016 but please respond as soon as possible!

Here is the link:

Thank you in advance for your help.

P.s. If anyone needs a paper copy of the survey please e-mail me ([email protected]) and I will mail one.
what are your aviaries looking like during the winter? can you guys post some pictures of yours mandarins during the winter or summer for comparison.
Hi just wondering, can mandies be in the same flock/pen as other ducks? (I have pekins, cayugas, khaki Campbell's, and rouens) I'm looking to get mandarins in the spring
I agree with buff goose guy. In general, ornamental ducks should not really be kept with such domestic ducks. They are too drastically different (with size being one differentiating factor of course).
Alright, I see your point. I wouldn't want to put ducks in danger. Could they live with chickens? (Small chickens) if they have a pond to swim in or not?
In general I feel that mandarins need an aviary to themselves or other small thing so yes but I would build an aviary big enough to support all of them .

Well I probably won't be able to get any then. An aviary is a way to big of project to take on as we are curently building a pig pen for pot bellied pigs so I'll have to get some other ducks then :)

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