Mandated child abuse reporting

Head lice is tricky... it has NOTHING at all to do with hygiene, doesn't mean the child isn't bathed, etc. Those buggers are hard to find and remove even when going strand by strand, n'mind using those combs that don't work for squat. And those things are becoming more and more resistant to the chemicals used to kill them as well. If that was the ONLY indicator of neglect I would just keep working with the parents and keep the school on alert so it doesn't spread. But if the child is also starving, no socks, no coat, those sorts of things then I'd definitely tell someone.

Having recently gone through this myself, seen how the chemical failed, seen how the comb failed, seen how my own 20/20 eyes failed... well I'd hate to think that me spending 8, yes EIGHT, hours combing through DD's hair equates to neglect because I missed ONE of those little buggers and the chemical didn't kill it so we got to go to round two.

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