Mango Funeral

Its weird, but i think its because of the chemicals.
We dont spray our vines with anything but water and sometimes some soap for the junebugs.
Someone else in town has graped and i can eat them to. Just not store bought
Probably the chemicals. I know a few people who get dry mouths after grapes, too.

I have oral allergy syndrome when I eat fruits. Makes my mouth/lips/throat swollen and itchy. Not life threatening, but definitely annoying to have to take meds after eating fruits. And I love fruit!

So yes, I get your pain ;)
I haven't had a mango in almost a week! I am very sad to say that many poor souls go through this kind of tragedy all the time so I am here to celebrate the lives of all mangos with anyone who will join me... :hit ❤️ 🥭
Sticky Rice Hello GIF by Pudgy Penguins
:eek:I haven't had a mango in YEARS!

I practically forgot they existed! :lau
Probably the chemicals. I know a few people who get dry mouths after grapes, too.

I have oral allergy syndrome when I eat fruits. Makes my mouth/lips/throat swollen and itchy. Not life threatening, but definitely annoying to have to take meds after eating fruits. And I love fruit!

So yes, I get your pain ;)
Ive heard of oral allergy syndrom. Im sorry you have that, it would be hard for me because i eat fruits a lot.

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