Maple Syrup Question


11 Years
Sep 15, 2008
Milford Ct
Ok Backyard tappers: What does it mean if the syrup crystalizes the next day? Cooked too much? Am I supposed to refrigerate it? We are boiling 20 gallons of sap every day between my sister and me. I had the most delicious brussel sprouts roasted in maple syrup and balsamic vinegar glaze last night. I got the idea from the member who said he eats his syrup on sauteed greens.
You did nothing wrong, just made maple sugar instead of maple syrup;) Ben Franklin believed that we could supply the entire country with sugar from maple trees.

But yes you need to boil it less. Use a flat spatula and when you think it is getting close dip the spatula in and it will sheet off when done.

You can also get a hydrometer for checking it as well.

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