Maplebend Farm in Minnesota!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 24, 2014
My name is Michelle. I live on a farm my husband and I purchased last summer. We have 11 barred plymouth rock hens for laying and 10 buff orpington roosters we will be using for meat this fall. We also have 4 bronze turkeys that will be for holiday meals. Three dogs currently call our farm home. We have "Mike" and "Sam" both miniature poodles (excellent mousers) and a teeny tiny chihuahua "Alice" who basically lives in fear of being eaten by anything bigger than her. Our barn cats "Jed" and "Luca" finish out the list of animals. We have two children, my daughter is seven and my son is ten.
Hi and welcome

Barred rocks are a great breed I think
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