Marans... male or female?

looks like a pullet to me
I have 4 FBCM pullets 1 FBCM roo and 1 wheatie pullet. My roo is just 2 weeks old and his come is much bigger than your little lady's.
Hello Ellie,

Well by the looks of this chick it is a "chick", :) How are the eggs under your mixed up barred rock doing? My hatch is set for Monday afternoon. I've candled them all and it looks to be a great hatch. Let's cross our fingers shall we!


"Heaven Sent Ranch"
So far I was always able to determine the gender of my BCMs by day 5 and I was always 100% right.

I think you have a cute pullet. Let me know if I should be wrong for the first time......
Another vote for pullet! I knew 100% what my BCM were by 2.5 weeks. My roos combs were huge and red at 3 weeks.
Hi all,

This is Debi's chick (Heaven Sent Ranch). My girl had one egg hatch under her but only one, so I got this one from Debi. She hatched it in an incubator and I got it on day 3 and put it under my hen with the other one. Now, I see what I did in calculations... these chicks are three days apart. The Marans is 13 days old and this chick is 16 days old. I was counting when my chick was born.

Yes, they have been raised outside with mama. Here is the other one... this one from Cynthia (Speckled Hen).


Maybe you are right and having them outside makes a difference.

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