March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

If that works for you it works for me

Now the biggest issue is to get gram & gramp to watch the kiddies so DH and I can enjoy the swap and the meeting and not have to chase curious and active small children around constantly...

I can't wait! It'll be fun and great to see all the backyard chicken folks again. Are we wearing nametags or something so we can recognize each other?
sold I want the last pair
Correction on the turkeys (that's what I get for posting while multitasking with preschoolers.. DOH!
) ... $45 for the remaining pair and we may be bringing a young male or two for $20 each. The Dominique roos are $10 each (breeder/show quality) and a third is free to good home (really nice, typey roo, but has a tendon problem that makes one of his feet curl up when it's cold out). The banty dom/silkie roo is free to good pet home also. The full silkie roo is $10 and is pet quality because he has gold in his hackles.
Now we not only have chicken friends, we have turkey friends! ha ha. I'm nervous about the do's and don'ts, but I'm sure all will work out. What matters is the heated waterer, dry shavings, and food. Past that, I may have lots of questions!
I'm looking forward to learning all about them!!!!

no big mystery with Turkeys after they get out fo the poult stage, babys can be tricky though , especially if not bought through a good breeder.
I have gotten them through a feed store and half never make it home alive.

I have stopped doing the buy from a feed store in lue of buying from experineced breeders. much stronger and healthier stock.

Turkeys have good personalities for sure, they can be as snuggly as chickens or parrots, I had a 40 lb turkey who litterally thought he was a parrot and would sit on my shoulder for as long as I would let the lard butt.,
long story about how this came to be, lets just say FAKER! lol.
I stepped on his wittle foot whan he was little, yep babied him, carried hm to the feeder, every day, right up untill the gimpy little stinker didnt see me one day and ran like the wind to get feed hubby was puting out,
I felt so used !
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Correction on the turkeys (that's what I get for posting while multitasking with preschoolers.. DOH!
) ... $45 for the remaining pair and we may be bringing a young male or two for $20 each. The Dominique roos are $10 each (breeder/show quality) and a third is free to good home (really nice, typey roo, but has a tendon problem that makes one of his feet curl up when it's cold out). The banty dom/silkie roo is free to good pet home also. The full silkie roo is $10 and is pet quality because he has gold in his hackles.

You have dibs on the second pair!
no big mystery with Turkeys after they get out fo the poult stage, babys can be tricky though , especially if not bought through a good breeder.
I have gotten them through a feed store and half never make it home alive.

I have stopped doing the buy from a feed store in lue of buying from experineced breeders. much stronger and healthier stock.

Turkeys have good personalities for sure, they can be as snuggly as chickens or parrots, I had a 40 lb turkey who litterally thought he was a parrot and would sit on my shoulder for as long as I would let the lard butt.,
long story about how this came to be, lets just say FAKER! lol.
I stepped on his wittle foot whan he was little, yep babied him, carried hm to the feeder, every day, right up untill the gimpy little stinker didnt see me one day and ran like the wind to get feed hubby was puting out,
I felt so used !

lol good story!
The tom is full size, 20 lbs or so, and the hen isn't yet full grown... maybe 10-12 lbs or so. A large dog crate/cage would be best if you have one.

If you'd like, I can trim wing feathers on them so they won't try to fly up anywhere before they get used to their new home (I'd say at least trim the hen... the girls can fly better and are a bit more flighty in new surroundings).
Absolutely trim the feathers on mine, its important that they get used to us and the girls- oh and mom, ha ha, she is really looking forward to having the turkeys to watch.
We are in full clean out, I decided to put them in the Garage, we will be building a coop separate from the hens, can they share a yard? Or will the Tom get after the hens? ( I know- stupid question)
I do have a large dog crate and I'm so excited- check is in the Mail as of this mornings mail! Thanks to everyone that has thought of us, you cant imagine how thrilled I am to have great people like you all (well for right now, the first time the Tom floggs me, I may have a different aspect of this friend thing!

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