March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

All the turkeys run together right now, and when they're out foraging, they mingle with the chickens no problem (our big BBW girl lives with the chickens because the poor thing can't keep up with the Narris because she's so fat). They should be fine together. Just keep an eye and make sure no one decides to be a bully (we had one RIR hen who HATED turkeys and would chase them down and pick a fight every chance she got).

The only time you should keep them separate is when there are poults... anything chicken-sized or smaller. We had an unfortunate poult wander in or fly into the chicken pen occasionally and every time the hens would mob the poor thing and peck it to death. Once they're bigger, tho, they leave them alone.

I've been flogged by toms sometimes when I was catching them, and let me tell you, those wings hitting you the right way is like being punched by a full grown person! Ouch!
Oh you bet. I am excited about them. I'm a pretty simple fool, give me something more to deal with and I'm happy! ha ha.
I am concerned about the hawks and juvinille eagle tho. I guess, play it by eye sight. From what I've read from a BYC turkey site that the adult turkeys are pretty safe.
I so wish we could get down to Milford! It is so great to chat with everyone, hang out, talk and just meet each other.
Do these turkeys come with names? What else is going to be at the Chickenstock? Gypsy with her bunnies- er daughter (?), is she still sneaking the chickens on road trips?
She is a honest go goodness good kid! She will find a way to get a bird...are we related? ha ha.
Have a good night!
The tom does have a name... Canonchet. His dad is Canonicus ... they're named after two famous Narragansett chiefs. Our two oldest hens are Alawa (Algonquin for "pea", because as a poult she was a bit of a pea-brain. She definitely disproved that as an adult, since she's outlived all her siblings due to being smarter and not running off into the woods to nest), and the other is Numees, which is Algonquin for "sister". I usually give all of our turkeys Algonquin names... seems fitting since they're Narragansetts.
For all the time I have had turkeys I have never been purposely beat up by a Tom.
I have had them strutt for me, do the courting damce and have them think my boot was a lady of interest , but never once have taken a flogging, Frome a Chicken Hen YES from a Chicken Rooster YES.
All the Toms I have ever had have been slush buckets , attention hounds, drama queens etc. rare to get a mean tom . not to say they dont exsist im sure they do bbut I have yet to run acrossed one.
Yes it certainly is, I am going to get the rabbit house cleaned, then the chicken coop, then a few other critter necessities done then if there is time I may even "think" about cleaning the house LOL/.
sounds like me, i do the important ones first, then i am too tired to do the house,again!!
here is what i have left for milford if anyone is interested

i sold all of my 4-5 m old laying pullets, which leaves me with odds and ends
i have a sultan roo 4m old
an ee pullet 4m old
splash with a lot of red std cochin roo 5m old maybe

mille fluers d;uccles, a pair or 2( 3m or so old) and many extra roos
polish, black a pair or 3-4 little started roo's
2 buff silkies, sex those will ya!! lol
frizzled polish maybe if i decide to sell it

it feels like i have a lot of roo's and i hate it when people only bring roos
i usually have pullets to sell, but havent ordered, waiting for warmth

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