March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

Ron & I had a great time, too. Picked up my gorgeous new Silver Fox doe and a pair of cute button quail from Gypsy. And we sold a pair of turkeys, and sold or rehomed all the chickens that we brought. They all went to good new homes and none into the stewpot, so I'm happy about that.

There were a lot of different birds there and a lot of rabbits! Those lionheads are real cuties.

The only thing we didn't sell is one tom turkey, so we did great! More room & time now to concentrate on hatching new chickens & turkeys!
I'll have Delaware Blue's hatching in April for the June/Keene swap.

Dave....I'd BUY seeds/plantings in March too!!! !!!!! I
Brandywine Tomatoes...Mammoth Sugar Snap Peas....oh I could go on and on!!!!!
Dave I was out back behind the building, got there later than I usually do. Not to worry. Will have more fudge and chicken cookies come March.
June will just be cookies and fudge sauce. Fudge doesnt set well when it gets warmer out. But it gives me a well deserved break

I cant start things from seeds.
I need started plants. I am planning on planting more this year. All container gardens. My porch and side yard are going to be covered. I will have to check out what you bring with you.
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Do you raise your turkeys for meat for yourselves or just as breeders?
The types that you sell, how long does it take to grow out a bird for the table?
I know there are certain types that people swear by but am unfamiliar with them myself.
I don't have turkeys but am wondering about getting a homegrown turkey for the holidays.
I'll have some tomato and pepper plants in late April or May. I'll have pink Brandywine (Sudduth's), Kellogg's Breakfast, Black from Tula, Opalka, Orange Strawberry, Giantesque, Sandul Moldovan, Black Cherry and Tobolsk for sure as well as 6 to 8 other lesser known varieties including 2 cherries.

Pepper plants will be Sweet Chocolate, Yellow Miniature and Early Jalapeno. I'll also have other hot peppers (cayennes, maybe serranos and paprika types).

Sweet Siberian and Blacktail Mountain watermelons, oka muskmelons, Howden pumpkins and a few other odds and ends are on the list too.

I'm sure I'll have extra plants of all of these if anyone thinks they may want to try some.

-Cindy in MA
we were talking about the fudge not being there this time on our way home
i cant believe we missed that!!

i sold a lot of my birds and came home with a great pair of americauna's. yippy. it was fun

seeds or seedlings are a great idea, dh always looking for tomato plants etc
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I want to Thank Everyone that showed up today to sell, buy and swap, what a great time.
Dave I am so sorry I missed you , next time just jump right in , conversations are wonderfull things to join, NO BEING SHY!!!

I MISSED SEEDS!!!! what he heck , I usually snoiff them ut I cant believe I missed out , but ah ha next swap by

I did mange this time to get my soap early, I didnt miss out this time lol , sneakered right over and gots bunches.

Missed out on my white Pheonix hens too but I can catch Tom at the Westfors swap the first of the month.

Next swap is March 22 and I think I am going to have an earlier start time, lets shoot for 9 am everyone showed up nice and early this time so heck lets just roll with it.

I am happily exhausted.

Lily I am so glad you like the Fox doe she is going to be stunning when she is fully mature. I cant wait to see what she gives you babys.

I hope everyone got home safely, I am just glad the snow and yuck waited till we all had such a wonderfull time.
Cant wait for March to get here.
Fudge was the first thing DH's radar picked up!!
Next time I'm getting heirloom seeds/plantings....and ONE Of them there candles!!
It sure was always!
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I am going to work out what I will have for available stock for seeds & plants for March and put in on my BYC page. My wife and I have been talking and we will plan on making the show every month, with at least seeds... and next year Dominique chicks, hopefully. Anyway I will create the page tomorrow and update it a week or so before each show we are going to attend.

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