March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

Thank you for putting the swap together. We had a great time hearing ideas, and first time stories. Although we had our hearts set on RIR's, we went home with 6 Rock Reds that were already about 4 weeks old. I think that we will have to get started on the outside coop a little sooner than expected!
Was this a chicken swap or a rabbit swap? Everywhere I turned I saw more and more rabbits...I think they were multiplying faster than I could blink!
I need tomato's doesnt matter what variety. They are ALL GOOD!
Those mammoth snap peas sound great as well.
Can you put me in for 2 of the snap peas and 3 tomato's?

I am with cheep. You start em for me and you can have a free pound of fudge or hot fudge sauce.
there was a lot of rabbits. it is late winter, soon it is spring and everyone is hatching like crazy and there will be plenty of chickens.

the rabbits, will continue to do what they do. lol
The date for the march swap has been changed to March 21 st instead.

conflicts in scheduleling has to make it change to the Saturday rather than the Sunday.
sorry for any inconvenience
I'm with eaglesnest, thank you from me as well for managing this event. I had fun. Found homes for four roosters, bought applejack peel soap from Cheep and a chicken cookie and came home with $4 in my pocket.

I missed all the fun chickens though. My husband made me promise that I couldn't go chicken shopping until I found homes for my roosters.

I think in March I may be due for a cute lionhead bunny!!!!!!!
Your killin me

I'll be there... I'm just gonna miss the boatbuilders show in Maine (my other hobby).

See you all on the 21st... Also I will have my updated seed and plant list posted tonite.


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