March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

They are around here as well. My dog(border collie) goes and does a "coop run" every time he is out there. He goes around the coop/ruin and marks his "territory" I think that is a big reason why I havent had any issues(yet) with the neighborhood skunk and raccoon family.

I saw a mink crossing Rte 12 the other day.

I put a 12" "apron" of chicken wire all around the run and coop. And also have chicken wire UNDER the floor of the coop.

Oh and my mom is getting chickens!!!! She has succumbed to the power of the chicken.

She has the old barn, which is currently being used as a garage. It has a poured concrete floor. So her plan is to build the coop part in the barn. Cut a pop door through the wall and into the dog run(8ft tall chain link fence)And then build a run for the chickens inside that. Going to be a busy spring. I have to help her, well I volunteered my dh as well
clear out the barn.

I have already listed the Ford engine and tranny and my old Chevy 327 block on craigslist. And she has tons of antique etc furniture out there, that I am going to get my choice of! And I get a part of any sales that I make.
I am also going to be listing the CUTE cherry red Ford pick up they have been "trying" to sell. If I could afford another vehicle right now. I would be driving this thing. It is just so FUN!!!! But totally impractical.
I guess she is planning on keeping the big ole Suburban. I think it's a 1970s one. MONSTER of a truck.
So sorry about your mink tragedies! Hope those chickies are giving you reason to smile, though.

I had a possum problem about a month ago... couldn't believe I saw the think walk right through our chicken fence, that's layered with the standard wire stock fencing, like nothing! Quite persistent little buggers!
New BABIES!!!!!!!

Still snowing here. I have had to shovel twice so far this morning. Oh and I nearly hit a cop this morning. Stupid SOB was standing in the middle of the road, which is a hill, during a particularly heavy blast of snow. Steps out in front of me to tell me to stop and I start SLIDING towards him. So he steps out FURTHER into the street! He then starts yelling at me to slow down. I was doing 30mph. Already below the speed limit. I put down the window and told him I was SLIDING. Had already been going a safe speed, before he decided to tell me to freaking stop and step out in front of me. I all but called him a arsehole. Then I drove away. Have I mentioned I hate living here??? A LOT.
I hate stupid people, and stupid cops are at the top of that list.

My land borders Coggshall (huge park) so I'm going to have to really protect this run. It's going in the woods/treeline so digging through all those roots is not my idea of fun.

I have tons of wild turkeys, they literally sit in my yard about twice a week. Are they going to give the chickens any trouble? I'm wondering if I need to build a two-layer run, one fence about two feet inside the perimeter fence. Argh.

Spread the chicken love!

I've been waiting minutes for those baby pictures, where are they?
Cant cure STUPID even when its a cop.

The chicks were supposed to be sent out today so I figured I had a day to get the brooder ready um yeah not happening, there are here today!! yeah but it could have waited till the yuck was done.
ok guys, the newletter is out, i have received it back by quite a few, too many to list, i am thinking maybe you need to put my email address in your address books, some come back that they dont like the receipient?? anyway, if you didnt get it, and your suppose to please email me and add my email to your address book and i will try again! thanks
today i used [email protected]. but i will be changing it to a chickn type and new server soon. thanks
When I lived in Belchertown, I had free ranging chickens, and lots of wild turkeys that came into my yard daily during the winter months... never had a problem with them. Actually didn't have a problem with any of the wildlife: coyotes, fox, turkeys, etc. The one big problem we did have was the neighbor's German Sheperd!!
GYPSY GOT BABIES!!!! wow wonder what they are? you know i cant help myself around chicks, are they coming to the swap? what breeds??? oh i have no will power:rolleyes:

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