March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

Yes they will be coming to the swap,
theres top hat polish, seabrites both goldens and silvers, and the rest I am having a hard time figuring out.


This is the assorment I bought:

"We are now offering a special combination of chicks from our Rarest of Rare Assortment and Top Hat Special which will be ALL PULLETS! Nothing like this is available anywhere else in the world! Imagine buying such things as Cochins, Campines, Red Caps, the exotic Polish varieties, and many many more in pullets only. Best of all: you can buy this ORNAMENTAL LAYER COLLECTION and save money! We are putting a special price on these pullets much lower than what you'd have to pay to get them individually. We guarantee you at least 8 different kinds in each order of 25. If you are short of space, or don't like to hear roosters crowing but still want the most unusual of the world's exotic poultry breeds, try our ORNAMENTAL LAYER COLLECTION.The supply of these is limited so please order them as early as possible."
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I am hoping at least a few are the Campians. I looked at the picturesof them and they are truel beautiful birds.

yeah !!! there are Campians in the collection!! and silver Penciled Wyandotts !!! yeah yeah yeah
ok the rest all look alike as babys' ugh this is oh so not fair they could have at least shipped a "what it is list" LOL
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When I lived in Belchertown, I had free ranging chickens, and lots of wild turkeys that came into my yard daily during the winter months... never had a problem with them. Actually didn't have a problem with any of the wildlife: coyotes, fox, turkeys, etc. The one big problem we did have was the neighbor's German Sheperd!!

I have around 75 turkeys that hang around the house here on any given day. They try to go near the coops for food but are usually cut off by one of my roos. I have several German Shepherds with no problems with my birds or any of the neighbors pets. The neighbors poodle however, well lets just say I lost more birds to it then anything else.
Poodles and Jack Russel Terrorists are usually the worse,
I watched my 7 lb toy poodle kick the tar out of a Shepherd, but that was after she was mauled by said sheherp and healed up. she got revenge,
When I lived in Belchertown, I had free ranging chickens, and lots of wild turkeys that came into my yard daily during the winter months... never had a problem with them. Actually didn't have a problem with any of the wildlife: coyotes, fox, turkeys, etc. The one big problem we did have was the neighbor's German Sheperd!!

I have around 75 turkeys that hang around the house here on any given day. They try to go near the coops for food but are usually cut off by one of my roos. I have several German Shepherds with no problems with my birds or any of the neighbors pets. The neighbors poodle however, well lets just say I lost more birds to it then anything else.

THAT is a cool picture.

At my moms they have a large flock of wild turkeys that come up all the time. She and the neighbor feed them. My barn owners place is in the middle of no where. LOL No problems with the turkeys there either. And I am sure they wander through
i dont know what is listed, but those blue with the white heads look like white crested blue polish to me. well, from a sky view that is,

does the buff one have feathers down its legs?
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i dont know what is listed, but those blue with the white heads look like white crested blue polish to me. well, from a sky view that is,

does the buff one have feathers down its legs?

yes the buff ones have feathered feet


seems to be the only one, i wonder if it isnt the free one( likely a roo?)
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thats what we need individual pics, like you have all the time in the world, stop eating those bonbon's get off the couch take some pics...LOL

so, lets see, buff cochin? salmon favorelle, silkie- not, brahma, what else has feathered legs???

I just know your going to go bonkers till I get them up one by one lol.

I will get the ones that look alike together and get a pic, the ones who seem to be only one or 2 of will be single pics lol

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