March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

same chicks







there are more but mostly polish
pic 3 goldlaced something, polish??

pic 4 one yellow leg, one black,may be 2 different breeds, white crested, blue or blacks ? do they look polish to you?
Wow, that's a huge flock! We have about 15-20 come through every once in a while. They stop by to chat with our Narragansett turkeys.

Do you raise GSDs or are you just a huge fan like we are? We've been looking for a pure GSD since we lost our awesome big guy Tucker last summer. Every puppy I've inquired about either was already adopted by someone else, or had a price tag that was a lot higher than we were looking for. Hopefully we'll find one soon. But we're patient enough to wait for the perfect dog for us.
Ohhh!!! stop torchering us with those photos. I'm going to have to make it to the Milford swap early this time so I don't miss out on the Polish and Seabright chicks. More Photos of the Polish please
i have some cute cute white crested blues a bit older, pic was a few weeks ago

that white crested black has turned into a looker but has a crook toe
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are you sure that Nicolas is a mix? I am babysitting a bantam roo that looks just like him and he is a pure bantam.
stunning little guy , both of them.

OH and I still need that white Top hat polish girl. thats for someone else, Im not sharing her my babys I got these guys for the swap and a few keepers for me.

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