March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

no no not Main street!
191 Elm Street lol.
dont go getting anyone on that oval on Main street, they will be going in circles for hours lol.
There will be a set of lights from eitehr direction if you see Sals Pizza your in the right place swing into the Granit Town plaza and we will be right there. Golds Gym will be right next door.

Swap will officially start at 8:30 am but early birds can set up before then if they like , I will be there by 8: am at the latest.

There ususally is a mirad of different breeds that come.

I wish I knew what I was looking at with thesenew chicks. the only ones I am positive about are the polish
I have lost 8 already to being chilled I think, the smaller of the chicks are dropping off, I called the hatchery and they are sending replacements in April.
i have a few silkie chicks, not white, i think i have blue or black maybe a splash, i will need to look, they are young a few weeks old.
i will also, fingers crossed have speckled sussex pullet chicks. i also have a few polish chicks.
If I beg my husband appropriately I should be able to come w/ chicks in hand - varying ages. But no silkies. Maybe silkie mixes since my partridge silkie roo is a randy little fella.
Oh, I would definitely be interested in your splash! I have a buff and blue. Do you intend to bring them to the Milford swap?
i had in my mind that i was keeping the splash all the splash and growing them out, first splash in over a yr for me, very excited. new roo, wanted to see what he is producing. but i can bring just one, maybe or 2, i shall see. but i have to promise you only, then i have to be sure your comeing, and then i have to keep dh from selling it. lol
They must be so cute. I love the crazy looking ones. I only have a small coop built for the bantum size and Silkies don't seem to do much damage when I let them out while I garden and stick close to me. The max I can have is 4
Not all are mixed. I have a few black copper maran chicks. 6 hatched out of 7 eggs - AWESOME! I may bring two of them. And I do have some others hatching next Friday but I don't remember what they are just yet.

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