March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

YEAH!!!! glad to hearit and cant wait t o see pics

the one yellow chick is starting to show barring inthe wings, and is getting the color of almost partridge, so I know the gold lace cochin roo was the papa of this here hatch.

very glad to hear that. was wondering if I have his kids too. was he the only 1 with feathered feet?
great, i wonder how many others didnt go threw, usually i get a notice that some are not deliverable, i did not get that from yours. glad it worked
YEAH!!!! glad to hearit and cant wait t o see pics

the one yellow chick is starting to show barring inthe wings, and is getting the color of almost partridge, so I know the gold lace cochin roo was the papa of this here hatch.

very glad to hear that. was wondering if I have his kids too. was he the only 1 with feathered feet?

No the other one that hatched has clean legs.
very glad to hear that. was wondering if I have his kids too. was he the only 1 with feathered feet?

No the other one that hatched has clean legs.

oops did not make myself clear. of the parents of the eggs, was your cochin the only 1 with feathered feet? one of my eggs has a pip. is that normal for 19 1/2 days?
No the other one that hatched has clean legs.

oops did not make myself clear. of the parents of the eggs, was your cochin the only 1 with feathered feet? one of my eggs has a pip. is that normal for 19 1/2 days?

I have had bantams that hatch on day 18, I wouldn't worry about it really.
Since you hang out here I just wanted to give you an update: all of the eggs you gave me are developing (not that you had any doubts) but they made the trip just fine
I will let you know how they do.....
oops did not make myself clear. of the parents of the eggs, was your cochin the only 1 with feathered feet? one of my eggs has a pip. is that normal for 19 1/2 days?

I have had bantams that hatch on day 18, I wouldn't worry about it really.
Since you hang out here I just wanted to give you an update: all of the eggs you gave me are developing (not that you had any doubts) but they made the trip just fine
I will let you know how they do.....

hi krista, really glad to hear the eggs are developing. so far I have 100% fretility. just candled the 2 you gave me and I think they are also developing! a little hard to tell on the darker of the 2. I have 3 pips now and I heard peeping. this is just too much fun.
The Cochin Roo is the only feather footed roo in the hen house.
all the other smaller roos and the top hat are clean legged.
years ago when I had Cochins it was norm for them to pip on day 18.
the little feather footed one here pipped on day 18 and hatched day 19, the black clean leg hatched a day and a half later.
FYI these chicks are not born normal bantam weight the little buggers weigh quite a few ounces at hatch.
you pick them up and you know you have a baby chick in your hand by weight.

The swap will start at 8:30 At The tractor supply store
191 elm st Milford Nh
usually there is a raibow of chcikens and chicks available,
hard to put an exact list down there are usually so many.
I know I am bringing a few mystery chicks, wont know what they are for sure untill wendy helps me sort them out,lol.
sometimes omitting part of the directions or the date generates a lot more interest, go figure lol.

last swap I forgot to add directions and I swear I answered over 100 emails giving them date and time, to best of my knowledge most who emailed showed up.

I went to see Tom yesterday i got my Lady Amherst Pheasants !!
also my white pheonix, a pair of red goldens, 2 runts, 2 egyptian fan tails, and some bob white/ tenn red quail.

I am begging hubby to let me go back and pick up the Draggoon pigeons, they are a stunning bird.

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