March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

was you cochin roo a bantam?

Yes he was a bantam but bigger than normal, me thinks he forgot to stay small lol.

this is him in full up crow.


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Where is the March 21st swap? Can you buy there? I am new to this and looking for three hens? pullets? Starting small but not picky about breed as long as they are docile and good layers- thanks for any suggestions in advance!~
i am looking for Australorps, Buff Orphingtons, NH Reds, marans or wellsumers
is anyone planning to bring those?

also i am willing to buy but i am also willing to trade... i make vitamin e enriched lightly scented(or heavily) bath salts and i will be happy to bring some with me ... maybe your chick is worth her weight in salt???

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Saturday can't come soon enough! LOL
We are planning to go to Milford. Don't have anything to sell, but looking to buy. Specifically looking for Salmon Faverolles, Speckled Sussex, and one silkie for my middle son. I want all females if possible, not picky about the age (babies, pullets....) Chickn, i know you said you'll have Speckled Sussex. BTW, how will i recognise you? We've never met...


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