March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

do you ever go to the westford ma one at the sportsmans club?

I've never been to any, didn't know they took place until I started looking for some new girls, but I'd be interested in hearing when the one in Westford is.
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westford ma
west st
sportsmans club
first sunday of every month except july and aug. all yr round. starts at 8 over by 11 ish quick must be a member to sell, anyone can come
Gypsy is shopping for me, anyone bringing Welsummers, BC Marans (or blue), Delaware, Light Sussex (Ha!), Barnevelder, Blue Orps or Sestapol Goslings? Looking for adults, started stock, chicks or eggs.

Of course, my budget is small, LOL so go see Gypsy if you have a good deal for me!

I can trade the rare Heritage breed Silver Fox rabbits if Gypsy feels like hauling buns back to NH for me!
Nope,you got it all backwards.He called me and said he's taken your credit cards and check book.And then he explained why.I am totally innocent of all charges.I just told him you bought 125 more chicks.
So you got some splainin to do.
In N.H.,Tony.
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125 chicks, wendy you are as bad as I am. LOL
babys are so much fun
whatcha get??

maybe we can swap if you have what I am looking for and I have what your looking for.
I still am clueless of these little boogers.

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