March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

please feel free to bring how ever many you would like to sell, I am sure they wont hang around very long.
layers seem to go especially fast.
two or three Polish? Yes!!!!! Can't wait till Saturday. I have a list of others that I'm looking for also. I was kidding about you keeping my baby but I'de keep him too
How old are your comets? I might need/want 2
I have coturnix eggs if thats what your looking for,
how many you want these 10 hens are laying a storm of them every day lol.

ETA: Trade ya soap for eggs LOL
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any takers light brahma, black sex links,california whites,and golden comets all just a few days old i dont want to bring them out in cold unless i have takers let me know please i ordered to many hoping they would come in on time for this and they came in yesterday i have alot so let me know what you want or need and i will bring them
thank you
my kids and i can't wait for saturday
which part of the saving me are you working on here????

my first std bird was a light brahm, elaine, she was the best, first chicken i cried over really.

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