March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

My Slifer was a Light Brahma/Leghorn mix.

I don't think I'm gonna make this one either...sigh...I've been working so many hours that I haven't gotten anything done...
I have coturnix eggs if thats what your looking for,
how many you want these 10 hens are laying a storm of them every day lol.

ETA: Trade ya soap for eggs LOL

Done....only need a is for a craft project. 2 bars fair enough??
I'll be bringing a couple silkies, but probably just two roos - one black and one blue. As for the Brahmas, their keepers. I'm hoping to breed them. I have one roo and three young hens. Their not laying yet but should be over the summer.

I'm still waiting for someone to say their bringing a Mille Fleur. Do you think a lionhead bunny is an appropriate subsitute for a Mille?
3 chicks can easily be incorporated into a flock. Just tuck them into your pockets or purse and no one will be the wiser.

You should see what I do to hide the boxes form the shipped eggs I receive in the mail from my husband. I get caught about 50% of the time but its the 50% I get away with that makes it all worth while.


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