March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

I have coturnix eggs if thats what your looking for,
how many you want these 10 hens are laying a storm of them every day lol.

ETA: Trade ya soap for eggs LOL

Are you going to be bringing coturnix eggs .....I may be interested. Also what is the price on them. Thanks Tammy

Cheep! that sounds good.
whatcha going to make with them? I am always curious and love to see the end results. Quail eggs in crafts are just too darn cue.

Yes I will be bringing Quail eggs. I usually get $5.00 for 10 eggs.
do you want eggs for hatching or for craft?
hatching eggs will only be from Todays till Friday nights fresh.
I do have some from Monday till thursday that will hatch or can be used for eating or craft, I will date the plastic cartons so everyone knows which is the freshest.
hi cheep, I hatched 21 chicks mon. 10 are silkies. 3 are splash. have not been on line much this week. trying to catch up on things before I go to bed. also will hatch more on sunday.
Oh Spotted Crow ! we are going to miss you again this swap!!
oh the heartbreak ! thats 2 in a row you have missed.
Thats it you are officially banned from working too much so you can at least get to the next months swap.
1 chick magnet?
how many have hatched from the eggs ? I am way to nosey sometimes lol.
I know hte hatch was soon, did any hatch out for you?
hi cheep, I hatched 21 chicks mon. 10 are silkies. 3 are splash. have not been on line much this week. trying to catch up on things before I go to bed. also will hatch more on sunday.

I'll take 2 splash AFTER Master Sexer Siz gives me a good guess on gender...but no worries the roo will go to the farm and hen will stay with the family.
Are you going to be bringing coturnix eggs .....I may be interested. Also what is the price on them. Thanks Tammy

Cheep! that sounds good.
whatcha going to make with them? I am always curious and love to see the end results. Quail eggs in crafts are just too darn cue.

Yes I will be bringing Quail eggs. I usually get $5.00 for 10 eggs.
do you want eggs for hatching or for craft?
hatching eggs will only be from Todays till Friday nights fresh.
I do have some from Monday till thursday that will hatch or can be used for eating or craft, I will date the plastic cartons so everyone knows which is the freshest.

Craft...DD is making the craft/collage.....she came up with the idea to make an American Flag out of blown out eggs....she wanted some quail eggs JUST in eggs for the star section and will use the quail eggs 'maybe' for the stars, maran eggs for the red strips, white eggs for the white get the picture I'm sure. Problem is collecting all the eggs and blowing them out...the flag will be an exact replica of the first design with the stars stitched in a circle. (-:

IF anyone wants to blow out eggs for her and bring them to the swap....I'm SURE she will not turn you down!! (-:
I will have my last three remaining Mini Lop rabbits for sale at the swap.

My chicks must wait until they are old enough that I can sex them reasonably well but will have Wyandotte pullets and cockerels at one of the future swaps. Not this one though.

I do etched glass and acrylic paintings as well, anyone interested in that. I'm reluctant to etch anything if there is no interest since then I'd have to store it all. I can't do a ton now with only two days left but I could do a few pieces of etched glass if someone wants to request some subject matter. Some of my etched stuff can be seen on my website You can also see my acrylic and pencil art at I haven't done much with domestic poultry although I love to paint birds, there are a couple of pics on the art website of ornaments I have done with birds on them. With my paintings I usually work from photos and I haven't found an animal I can't paint or subject I can't etch. (One note, I do not do people, really bad at people!)

Anyways, if anyone wants to have something done you can e-mail me directly [email protected] or find me at the swap and order something for pick up at the next swap. I'll probably be with or somewhere near Gypsy. Can't wait to meet new people!
I was thinking of grabbing two of those brahma's until I saw how big they get. My golly, I guess I wouldn't have to worry about my cats
I should probably stick to something closer to the EE's size since it's going to be a small flock, right? Of course, they could keep the EE's warm

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