March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

i will have all twelve of my light brahma chicks seven california whites six black sex links and eight golden commets i am making a list of everyone who wants what ever is left i will bring to chichester. just let me know and i will add you to the list and will make sure i bring them
brahmas are the big ones? OOOH I need one of those, how old are they, will I need two to keep each other company? But I don't need 11 chickens!!!!

they are just a few days old
can anybody tell me how to get pics from photobucket to here. can not remember. will post pics of chicks if someone tells me how. very frustrated. bangs head on computer repeatedly.
hi cheep, I hatched 21 chicks mon. 10 are silkies. 3 are splash. have not been on line much this week. trying to catch up on things before I go to bed. also will hatch more on sunday.

Ooooo, we want a silkie. it will be for my middle son, would prefer a pullet, but it wouldn't be the end of the world if it was a cockerel. We already have one silkie cockerel for my oldest. (i also have another roo, so we have 2 roos already)

So how will i recognize you at the swap? I expect there will be lots and lots of people there! We might just wear a name tag, so people can recognize us! It would say howardacres of course. LOL

lol stop banging your head , it only creates more frustration cause it doesnt help get rid of the headache lol
ater up load put the mouse on the last link that pops up click on to highlight right click ( copy) move over to message right click (paste)
my ducks have been great layers lately if any one interested in a dozen or so hatching eggs i have a few call duck eggs a few pekin , crested cayuga,and crested magpie let me know i would like to trade these i don't like to sell hatching eggs but trade because if you order them they are very expensive and if they don't hatch your out all that money so if you want them let me know.
aww thats a bummer , I will give you another doz for a re try.
sorry it didnt work out good ,
the joy of the incubator is you get to try again.

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