March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

True. Very very true.

I have so much to do over the next few days. Gotta get cookies packed up and such. I might need another cooler.
Anyone bringing any sort of Pheasant? Or Chukar? Im interested in eggs or chicks... Let me know. Imm be bringing a few Asil hens, Old Grey hens and maybe a few round heads hens. Let me know thanks
Are you going to be bringing coturnix eggs .....I may be interested. Also what is the price on them. Thanks Tammy

Cheep! that sounds good.
whatcha going to make with them? I am always curious and love to see the end results. Quail eggs in crafts are just too darn cue.

Yes I will be bringing Quail eggs. I usually get $5.00 for 10 eggs.
do you want eggs for hatching or for craft?
hatching eggs will only be from Todays till Friday nights fresh.
I do have some from Monday till thursday that will hatch or can be used for eating or craft, I will date the plastic cartons so everyone knows which is the freshest.

I am in search of hatching eggs.
THANKS Chickn!!!

So im kinda new here...Whos Tony?? Do you have a email or a way to get in touch with Tony?? I would like to see what is being brought so i can break open my piggy bank for some birds!!! Thanks again!!

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