March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

You know, I just went back over pages and pages of info looking to see who's bringing what. I wish there was some way to keep all the info in one place
I still don't know what's going to be there!
Yay! I am so glad to see them. Super cute! I hope I am still on the list for five.

I've got the brooder warmed up and ready to go.


your on the list.
hey everyone next week if anyone is going to chichester i will have some more chicks buff,golden,and black polish, buff orpington,white rocks,araucana,black jersey giants,and partridge rocks if anyone is interested let me know before next saturday:)
i have a chicken problem i can't say no

i do still have cayuga,crested magpie and cayuga duck eggs if any one is interested in hatching eggs
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Thats it chickensnus we are going to change your name to Chicken Census lol.
You got enough to keep bean counters going for months.

I would be interested in the Jersy Black Giants. are they hens or roos or straight run?
are they coming from Mt Miracle?
I ordered hens for them but didnt order a roo as I didnt need 5 roosters. I gots some nice ones coming from Natalie.
one for my Orpingtons and one cranky Maran for the miserable preditors that think they want to tangle with him.

know what we need a chicken dance smiley !
wanted to mention I met Dave (vnsseed) and his lovely wife tonight at the poultry seminar at Blue Seal feeds.
what a lovely couple.
Hooked him up with a friend of mine who is as vintage and heritage plant crazy as I am.

I was hoping that the seminar would focus a bit more on bio control but it was pretty much the same as every year.

I think I am going to speak with the GM and talk to her about holding another with a little more information available.
the guys presentation was good but could have focused a bit more on bio than on the different grains they sell.

no infor on pheasant , quail, game birds etc, just stuck to teh basic layers, meats birds, turkeys ducks and geese and even they were a bit lacking,
ONE good thing though there were a lot of younger children there, tweenagers and just befores. it was good to see the younger crowd also. not just us old foghorn leghorns that normally show up.
gypsie thanks for the help I did it!!!!! these are 3 of my chicks. 2 silkies and 1 silkie mix. they are tiny. from base of neck to base of tail 2 or 2 1/2 inches depending on chick.
hi cheep, I hatched 21 chicks mon. 10 are silkies. 3 are splash. have not been on line much this week. trying to catch up on things before I go to bed. also will hatch more on sunday.

Ooooo, we want a silkie. it will be for my middle son, would prefer a pullet, but it wouldn't be the end of the world if it was a cockerel. We already have one silkie cockerel for my oldest. (i also have another roo, so we have 2 roos already)

So how will i recognize you at the swap? I expect there will be lots and lots of people there! We might just wear a name tag, so people can recognize us! It would say howardacres of course. LOL


I made myself this hat for the swap. also we will have 2 brand new coops on a trailor.

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