March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

Ooooo, we want a silkie. it will be for my middle son, would prefer a pullet, but it wouldn't be the end of the world if it was a cockerel. We already have one silkie cockerel for my oldest. (i also have another roo, so we have 2 roos already)

So how will i recognize you at the swap? I expect there will be lots and lots of people there! We might just wear a name tag, so people can recognize us! It would say howardacres of course. LOL

Thanks! I made myself this hat for the swap. also we will have 2 brand new coops on a trailor.

VERY cute...I'll have DH look for the hat!
more pics. first are the silkie mixes. third and fourth are 2 of the moms for the full silkies. the blue was taken when she was 6 months old. her crest is a bit larger now. moms not for sale just wanted to show quality of chicks. blue is the mom for the chick in photo 2.
I am not sure which is more adorable the hat or those 3 precious babys! Glad to have ben able to help.
photo bucket is a pain in hte butt but its at least sometimes user friendly.
now when I first started with photo bucket you had to pretty near write the code before posting.ewwwww.
congrats on the babys they are adorable.

baby chicks, the new Lays Potato chips,
betcha cant go home with just one.

I am getting excited as normal,
last night I dreamed I was being chased by a huge chicken, ran my stupid self off a cliff and down into a huge corn field,
why do I always have goofy dreams just before such an event?
Ooooo, we want a silkie. it will be for my middle son, would prefer a pullet, but it wouldn't be the end of the world if it was a cockerel. We already have one silkie cockerel for my oldest. (i also have another roo, so we have 2 roos already)

So how will i recognize you at the swap? I expect there will be lots and lots of people there! We might just wear a name tag, so people can recognize us! It would say howardacres of course. LOL

Thanks! I made myself this hat for the swap. also we will have 2 brand new coops on a trailor.

Awesome hat!!!! Love it! Very cool that you made it!
Will look for you when we get there.

Oh, man i can hardly wait! I set up a brooder box yesterday, and constructed a sturdy screen lid for it. Then gave it a test-drive so i could check the temp, and so on. This morning my biggest cat was sleeping on top of the brooder box! So i put some tinfoil down--supposedly cat's hate tinfoil. I have the pet carrier all clean and ready to go for Saturday's swap.
LOL might want to rethink the ONE carrier ready to go LOL.

I am going to be sure there are enough boxes on hand for the "just in case's" last swap we nearly ran TSC out of the boxes they saved for the event.

Looks like the weather will be with us tomorrow,

The powers that be have ensured a good weekend wont get chilly again till monday YEAH!!!!!
Yeah!!! Now I can bring some buttons
I was afraid to bring them if the weather was going to be nasty.

ONE carrier???? You know you'll need more
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