March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

i sold all my sussex and i even sold some chicks i bought for myself
i came home with 2 light brahmas and a std cochin chick
and 3 grown old english hens and 2 buff orp roo's.
my feet are killing me.

ok, did you all see the sheep? the rabbit baskets how cute were they! and that awesome chicken coop, loved the color! i think i said that a million times.
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It was great....I LOVE my quail eggs gypsy...they are beautiful. I also love my honey and fudge and I'm having a honey cup of tea right now....yum.

I LOVED the sheep....that was a hoot!!

Sorry...I was so late....maybe I should have not stayed up so late...but I did ok thanks to GYPSY!! She, Rita, and Cassie made it worth my while! (-:

I LOVED seeing all the dusty faced kids....they were all it was all good!
I had a blast! Sold all 13 of my chickens and spent every dime on either soap, syrup, whoopie pies, an awesome candle, seeds and then scratch and feed at the TSC. My husband might have even enjoyed himself.

Thank you!

And I hope everyone who bought my chickens enjoys them!
We had a great time today. My kids had a blast.... my van has become the official playground for the chicken swap kids
Thanks to all who stopped by and said hi. Can't wait to see y'all again in 2 weeks in Merrimack.

what whoopie pies, where were these? how do i miss these things, next time someone direct me please. whoopie pies going to chichester??
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