March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

I am very pleased to announce that I believe this swap was the LARGEST so far!!!

I see this getting larger and larger as more and more people catch the fever.

What a wonderfull day, wonderfull people, wonderfull animals.

That sheep in childs diaper was just the sweetest thing I have seen in a long time.

There is a story behind the Sheep but I didnt get all of it, the part I got was there was something wrong with its legs as a baby and a lot of TLC went into bringing the wee one to size and now it is part of the family.
so sweet.

Cheep the Girls are home right now trying their hardest to sniff all the scent out of that soap LOL , all 3 girls were running around the swap with a bar under their noses. I so had to laugh.
I do have to wonder though , you kinda had the deer in the headlight look when they spotted you and started yelling

They didnt think you were coming and they were fixin to have a lack of soap melt down.
there was more , "wheres Cheep" going on than there was cheeping of baby chicks lol.

a friend of mine came all the way up from Pelham Mass, thinking she would be going home disapoints lol. She was looking for Muscovie Ducks, made the circut once, figured there were none, started making a second round to be sure and in drives a vendor with Muscovies, Poor guy i dont think he even had time to get them unloaded before her wallet was out

Needless to say she and her friend went home very happy campers that they made the trip , it was well worth their time and the drive.

I am pleased everything went so smoothly and we had such a large turn out,
I am exhausted and ready for a nap.
see you insomniacs sometime after 2 am this morning ,
I did forget keene , how bad is that , it wasnt even on my calander, gads I am slacking.

In the am some time I will upload the pictures cassi went around and took of the swap.
wanna lay odds they are of animals and few if any peoples? lOL.
yes, cassie came to me with the saddest face asking if i had seen the soap lady,i told her i heard talk of a migrane and maybe it was too much.
I know she was getting so disapointed , but the minute they saw poor Cheep they were on her like a new puppy on a bone,
Poor Cheep, they barely let her have time to get set up LOL.
I had a great time at the swap. My 3 Polish and 1 Silky chicks are settling in, boy do they eat! Gypsy, Thanks for getting me my Polish chicks their adorable. I'm hoping to have April 4Th off so I can make the Merrimack swap. I'm still looking for Silkies and Cochin Bantam Pullet's ( chicks or started). If anyone has any please let me know.
Gypsy and everyone else who had a hand in setting this up, great swap yet again! I had a lot of fun and thankfully sold the last of my bunnies! DH hasn't killed me yet for bringing home two partridge Wyandotte chicks, lol. I do think I won the SLWs from the crazy 24 hour auction thread so my life is still in a little danger
Gypsy and I think we figured that one out though

BTW, Gypsy, I slipped the two new chicks in right after putting down a fresh full feeder and none of the other chicks even noticed the new additions in all the scrabling for good spots at the feeder
They are just part of the crew already, no pecking needed.
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Oh yeah, and as for sleep, I got home around 3pm and slept straight til 8pm, lol. Felt good to lay down after more than 24 hours up! I'll be back in bed before too long tonight though because DH and I are going to CT in the morning to go to Cabela's and visit with his sister. Need to be well rested for the trip
gypsy did you see the pics i posted?
crazy day for sure, but fun. now we need to keep the chichester and merrimack threads up and alive everyone!!
we can do that,
were just a bunch of crazy poultry peoples. lol
yes I saw the pictues. they are awesome.

I just uploaded the pics Cassi took, I was right more animals than people
you can view them at

but the one that kills me and sets off the biggest case of the giggles is

The biggest Sheep smile !!!! even the sheep was having a good time

Thanks all...I was OK...MIGRAINE or no....I never miss a swap!! Better late than never...

I hope all enjoy the soap....I absolutely LOVED all the kiddies playing with our puppy...he needed some socializing!! That pup fell fast asleep as soon as we got in the car...

I'm working on the Keene Agway swap fliers...I'll post on the Keene thread when I'm done.

I SWEAR we should start a traveling Farmer's Market!!

GYPSY...I LOVE those cute. Thanks for the swap!!

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