March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

my hubby is a handy dandy idiot

that tickled me , i have one of those, he builds it and you just wish the wind would blow it over

cassi and the polish, she is a talker that bird, not sure she ever sleeps. it is hard to incorperate one bird into an existing coop, especially a fruit like a polish. lol so house bird? interesting
glad she likes her
We were up at 6 on Saturday, but i was busy getting the family ready to leave, so i never even started my computer.

It was late in the day before i had a chance to go online, but i never made to to BYC, before crashing into bed last night. It was a busy day, since after the swap we had to take care of all the chickens we brought home---4 babies, and a 6 mo old silkie pullet for my son. The brooder was ready for the babies. but i watched them for a while and kept checking the temp---ended up changing the lamp bulb to get the temp right. Then i had to make a spot for the silkie pullet to live---fixed up a large plastic box for her right next to the roos' crate. All the chickens are in my office right now! The kids had her out to play, and the silkie pullet soon hopped right back into her box---i think she likes her digs!

1Chick Magnet, we love the baby chicks we got from you! Thank you! I haven't named them yet, i want to see their little personalities emerge. Can't wait to see how the BO/silkie mix turns out! I forgot, do you know what color silkie rooster bred you buff orpington? That chick is just the cutest! I will email you pics soon.

Chickn, thank you for the Speckled Sussex chicks. They are very pretty babies. I think it's neat that one is darker than the other, so it's easy to tell them apart.
Yesterday was wonderful! You guys did an awesome job planning it. What a big turnout.
I went and did exactly what I was suppose to do, sell my roosters and the extra banties that I had and NOT come home with anything except some fudge and soap.
I did buy some cinnamon bread from rhettandsarahsmom and the kids and I sliced it up as soon as I got home and toasted and buttered it so it lasted about 5 minutes and would have been gone sooner if the toaster worked any faster:lol: MMM, the fudge never actually made it home but it did make it as far as Boston.

I bought some really good maple candies from someone but I don't know who it was.
The soap is sitting in my drawer because it smells so good, should have bought way more so I could actually use it in the shower too!
The kids took a bath with the floap last night, awesome stuff.
I have alot of yard work to do today so I am going to try out the gardener's handsoap.
Thanks Simple Life....I think you bought the last bit of gardners soap and I'm going to have to make another batch.

Rhetts and Saras Mom....I hope that little guy was not too stressed. I never sell just one bird and was worried about you even taking straight run since you cannot have chickens. How is he doing today??

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