March 21 CHICKEN SWAP TSC MILFORD NH ( recycled post with new date)

I don't have a problem with people buying or selling chickens for eating.
The problem I had with that guy was that he was relentless and aggressive with me.
I had brought several roosters with me, some I didn't really care where they went but there were a couple that were great for breeding and I knew I could get more money for them than the others.
He came up and bought some chickens from me. He didn't tell me what he was doing with them but he said " I'll give you five bucks for the roosters, a rooster is a rooster and I don't care what kind they are it means nothing to me"
So I am like whatever dude, he didn't say a word about processing them and I didn't ask.
Now, afterwards he sees me with the nicer roos(black copper marans) and I am talking with a man who wanted to breed them.
This guy comes up again and interupts my conversation and says
" ten bucks for both of them"
I said I am already talking to someone about purchasing them right now and he stands there waiting while we are talking.
So, he butts in and says the same thing, " I'll give you ten bucks for both of them, a rooster is a rooster and thats all they are worth.
Meanwhile this gentleman I am talking with is already offering me alot more than five bucks per rooster.
Now I already sold this guy some black coppers that were not as nice as these and would not have been good breeding material but I was not going to sell these to him.
So, the gentleman goes to get his wife and I told my husband I was going to go inside to the bathroom and would be right back.
As I am walking to the bathroom my cell phone rings and my husband says there is a guy there offering ten bucks for the roosters.
I said let me guess what he looks like.
So the guy waited until I left and then tried to buy them from my husband.
So now I am really aggravated with this guy.
I don't like pushy people demanding that I sell anything to them.
At this point he still hasn't said that he was going to eat them(so he was not upfront with everyone from the get go) but I am smart enough to figure it out and these birds were way too nice for that. I would have just brought them home and sold them on e-bay if I did not sell them that day.
I am not going to lose money on something that I know is worth more and that I can get more for.
I sold some black coppers at the westford swap and got more money than what he was offering.
I mean I had people buying roosters/hens the minute I opened my car, I sold 9 to one woman the first minute I got there.
I don't like to do business with people like that.
I don't care what he does with chickens and if I had some to sell that I wasn't going to hold out for more money on then whatever, but this guy was relentless and would not get away from my car.
That is what I have a problem with and the part I hate about the swaps, some of the people that you have to deal with, he really put me in a bad mood for a while. Especially going behind my back to try to buy them from my husband when I already was selling them to the other guy.
WHY??!!!! didnt you say something , I would have promptly gone over and read him the riot act. ! NO one has the rights to badger anyone into selling any thing>
I wish you had said something to him.
next swap if he is there please let me know and I will personaly keep an eye on him , I will not stand for my friends and vendors being badgered by any one.
Gypsy will then come and get me and both her and I will get him.

He was rude to you and I am sorry you had to deal with his rude self.
Rhett&SarahsMom :

Gypsy will then come and get me and both her and I will get him.

He was rude to you and I am sorry you had to deal with his rude self.

Not only you Marty, but my daughter was with me, all I needed do was let out a whistle and she would have charged in and likely bounced his butt.
Rita and I side by side are an extremely formidible team.
< pictures of her and I side by side scare the lights out of me>

I just found out who the guy is and I know him personally , I can guarentee this WILL NEVER happen again.​
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he didnt bother me, i was happy to see him. i had some roo's i would have never gotten rid of, i thought he could have carried them more gently but that is the way of the world.

i understand why your upset, but i for one dont want the guy to go away either.
gosh, i hope this makes sense, i felt that tom was worse with the zip tie throw down carry upside down episode myself!
You are guys are so sweet, thanks alot.
I just didn't want to bother anyone and ruin the day or anything so I just tried to deal with him.
He was a real pain though and I don't like sneaky people.
If he is there next time and does that kind of stuff again I will let you know.
It has nothing to do with how he treats them or what he does with them. It has to do with badgering me into selling him some roosters that I was already negotiating a better deal on and then trying to go behind my back to my husband and get them from him.
Can you imagine if my husband had sold them to him for ten bucks and the other guy came back with his wife and they were gone.
yes, i get that.

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