MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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Hi all!

So glad to be joining you here! I read a lot of posts but wasn't able to reply from my old cell phone. Now I have a new one and can post! Yeah!

I have my first broody hen. Had chickens for a few years but none went broody. I got some buff orphington last year and one of them is sitting! I'm so excited. She is sitting on orphington/easter egg mixes. I don't think so has any eggs under her from my EE hen.

They should hatch next week.

Entering day 20 in 3 hours. Still no action. ::sigh:: the last 3 days are the worst. This is my first hatch since grade school so I am pretty antsy.

Spore, you are absolutely right. I too learn "differently" and should have said "another way" instead of "an easier way". I am a very 'visual' learner. I am fortunate in that my Special Ed teaching daughter is very good at re-wording verbal descriptions/instructions until I 'get it'. Good luck w/your hatch
I set 24 eggs on Feb. 14. My granddaughter dropped an egg on day 5. Candled - 4 not fertile and 1 with a blood ring. On day 10 found more that were not fertile and one that looks like it stopped developing. I still have it in there just in case. So we have 13 that are really dark and fill almost the whole egg. Yeah. We are looking at March 7 as hatch day. The grandkids are so excited and so are the adults. We are thinking about getting some turkey eggs in a couple of months. This has been so much fun so far.
Spring is here..Finally, thought it would never come. We sure had a mild winter, but Im ready for the warm up. I am going into lock-down Wednesday, can hardly wait for these babies.
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