MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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Hi everybody! Looks like things are hoppin'! Spore, sounds like things are going well. The chicks can live up to 3 days on their absorbed yolks, so should do fine.

I set 35 Black Australorps, a single green EE and 10 Speckled Sussex today. That will make Hatch Day March 23. The BAs are a fertility test hatching. There were supposed to be 36 but one was cracked. I opened it and it had a 'Bulls Eye' so will be marked down as fertile. Made a very tasty sandwich for my lunch!!
Spore: You might be the 1st to hatch something on this thread, congrats! We await pics.

Like Madcap621 said, your chicks have around 3 days, by absorbing their egg yolk food. My rule is usually 12 to 24 hrs before I worry about taking them out to the brooder & not risking the humidity drop for the eggs still to hatch. The chicks seem to be stronger overall when they stay in the bator for a while, before the brooder. Also, I read a discussion on CO2 levels that are disrupted when opening the lid. The CO2 level is what causes the chicks to pip the membrane in the egg & to pip the shell to get out. I will look for more info on that & add to my list of things regarding incubation & post what I find on this thread. I recall that your eggs were in a carton, so less risk of the early stronger chicks messing with your new hatches by rolling them out of the shell before they're ready. You're doing good!
Yeah, I did not understand why it was such a big deal to put the eggs in a carton until the first chick hatched and promptly flailed all over the place like a mad peep! I suppose I would thrash around a bit if I had just been liberated of my little egg compartment. Okay, I am back from my dental appointment so I am going to upload a couple of photos. I sort of wish I had taken this first 5 and moved them to the brooder before the other 2 pipped but oh well. I guess I see them pecking at the egg remains and it sort of looks like they are hungry but I would assume this is just an instinct on their part. And if they are eating egg lining then oh well, they have been eating egg for the last 3 weeks, another day won't kill them. I have the brooder ready, waterer, red heat lamp, and some steel cut oats until I can get them some proper chick feed. brb with photos, god these things are cute.



:) cheep
Serama eggs are on day twelve now! Egg #5 seems to be dead, but I suspected it was... I'm leaving it in anyway, just on the very, very off-chance that I'm wrong about it.

On the remaining four eggs, they all look great! Saw three of the four moving all around--SO cool! I saw a little leg in one of them waving at me.
I never get tired of watching the babies grow and move around. It's awesome!

Congratulations on your cuties, Spore!
They look great!
I've got this season's first batch of eggs in the bator, 115 coturnix eggs from my own birds. The babies will go to auction at 2 weeks old
Should fair nicely with these

I'm planning on getting some goose eggs, though I guess those would be an April hatch? They will be set this month, but take 28-32 days to hatch
Day 16 for us. just one day til lockdown.
In the new and untested incubator.
13 BCM from set of 14 from cree farms
13 of 18 Blue Marans from cree farms
10 of 13 A. Spitzhauben from birds north
2 buff silkies from a wonderful breeder in monroe wa
3 bbs white crested polish
all eggs that candled poorly we removed at day 14, we cracked them, and they were not developing at all, with the exception of one spitz that had a blood ring and a developing chick. still not sure if I should have left it.

Under the white silkie hen
7 of 8 mille fleur, from my now dearly departed roo and hen.
1 Polish
1 either silkie or polish. I forgot to label it.

the spitz's are particularly exciting as they were shipped. ain't got nothing like that 'round these parts.
We're also watching last month's hatch run around the place. 5 with a broody orpington( 4 BLRW and 1 mille fleur.) In the brooder: 1 frizzle cochin and 1 spangled hamburg from the store, to keep company with the mille fleur who hatched a week late. and outside already one lone marans ( and some random chicks we bought for company) that hatched from jan. He looks like a veloce raptor with those huge legs.

Crossing fingers for a good hatch for all on this thread.
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