MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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Various reasons can cause death in shell... too high humidity... too low... the porousness of the eggs can effect how much is lost or retained... there are so many factors to consider as each egg is going to be different...

at the moment one of my eggs has a huge air sac and the rest are far too small...
good luck

wish me luck too... isnt looking well for the runners atm... 10 days left aswel
well... i need peoples help desperately!!

15% weight loss in a duck egg during incubation... how would that reflect into the air sac as I am worried that at day 18, the air sac is not big enough...

I have removed the water, bumped up the temperature by .2 of a degree... and just read that after day 21 the ducklings can absorb the fluid...

what should I do?
Settler'sDreamFarm :

Good luck with your Silkie, save the favs!! Your gonna love her, she is very beautiful! Just be patient she will become broody.

Thanks for the incouragement! "Sukie" the Silkie is certainly entitled to choose being broody when she wants, besides I have come to realize that it will be part my project of "letting go of the control" & enjoying how nature will take it's course. I'm not retiring my incubators & they'll be up soon enough, but just wanted to explore other options. Luckily, another younger hen went broody for the first time (a fun surprise) & so I may still be able to put some of my "special" eggs under her. Things always turn out the way they should, so will see.

I enjoyed seeing pics of your brood hens in the coop, they are pretty little mamas. Happy hatching with them.​
I too wish that there was only one way to do things so that it would all come out perfect. Then there are all of the variables like you mentioned, mishaps & equipment quirks. all comes to us with experience. So, I have learned a lot with each incubation, there's always something new that comes up & must be thought out.

Sounds like you have one egg of concern with a larger air cell & a few other eggs that are going along with smaller egg cells. Let's recap. Have you candled & seen that all of these eggs are viable/good & not unfertile/clear? Maybe just taking care of the majority of the eggs could be the best focus & hope for the best on the one egg with the air cell issue. Sometimes there is a reason why one egg developes differently than others for better or worse. You must follow you instincts though. Don't worry, it gets easier. Good luck & happy hatching!

*Hatchability Problem Analysis (Description of daily embryo development, see Days 14-18 to understand what leads to Day 18 "lockdown")
(see pg. 11 - includes section on “Nutritional Deficiencies & Toxicities” in chicks)
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