MARCH HATCH-A-LONG come join in

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Today is day-17 and the other hens are still sneeking in and adding new eggs to my broody hen's nest. So I finally decided to move her and her clutch of 10 eggs to a private pen I've recently built. I just did it a few minutes ago while it's completely dark. They were set on the 9th. Hatch date will be on the 30th but 4 will probably hatch on the 31st since she added an egg of her own and three other hens did the same on the following day of the set date. Somehow this was the favorite nest. Built four nest in the coop but ony two are consistently used.
we are getting really nervous over here. our hatch night was last night, the 26th. this is our first hatch and we have 11 in there. now these are the ones that the incubator got tilted when they were setting. but since then we kept everything smooth adn steady. we've kept the temp at 99.5 and moved the humidity up to 55-60 for lockdown the other day, rotated at least 3x's day gently. nothing.
they are really dark (maran) and we couldn't see anything when we tried candling so we just forgot that as that is what we saw other people do too. what is the longest we wait before opening the incubator? sunday night? i sure hope something happens. we've got 5 kids just waiting to see what the fruits of our past 21 days will bring. honestly i'll be pretty upset too. anyone have some thoughts? is it possible for us to not see/hear anything going on with all 11 eggs at this point? oh i hope these fcbm at least hatch as my daughter spent her babysitting money on them.
to leeandtina...

have the pipped yet?

If not then they have either died during incubation but by now there would be a smell... were not fertile... or had not lost enough water and therefore suffocated...

I have not incubated chicken eggs but I thought that it was 23 days for chicken eggs not 21...

but good luck
Chicken eggs are usually 21 days, at 99.5-101.5 depending on whether or not you have a fan in the incubator. sometimes however the temperature is not right and they take an extra few days to hatch. even the best thermometers can be off.
I have had them hatch early (day 19) as well.
with the Marans; I have heard they are sometimes very slow to hatch and you should wait a minimum of 25 days before removing from the incubator, to check them.
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